Check your email account for an email with subject line: Activate [your full name]. “Your full name” is the name entered on the request form. The email should be in your inbox by now.
Purpose of the email is to confirm you are who actually requested access to the Unarius Community site.
The body of the email will say: “To activate your user, please click the following link:” and includes a link to the website. Click on the Confirmation Link to verify your request.
If you do not receive this confirmation message:
After clicking the Confirmation Link, you will receive a Welcome message with subject line: “[Unarians United] Your User name and password“. This message contains username, password, and a link to the login page. In the future, you may login by using the Membership Login section found on the right side of every page. For safety, logout when done using the site.
Note: store this information in a secure location for future reference and do not share it with anyone. You are responsible for any and all activity that happens on this member account.
After loging in, you will be redirected to the website’s Welcome page. From here, you may access top or sidebar menu items, or just click the UNARIUS UNITED banner/header atop the menu to reach the site’s Home page.
Banner and top menu feature
You can always go anywhere on the site you want, but we have found some guidance is always helpful to our members. Refer to the SITE MAP link found at each page footer section.
Read the “Why should I study UNARIUS?” page, then add your Unarius experience to the comments area. This helps those that are new to Unarius understand the impact these teachings can have in their own lives and others can share in your journey too.
“You can lend your hand, so to speak, to others who are struggling through the same maze that you went through, the same catacombs, the same labyrinth.”
— from Tempus Invictus
We have created several ways for you to contribute to the expansion and development of the community. Please take the time to share your impute every chance you get, since we are evolving and creating this for your enjoyment.
Thank you again for your interest in participating in our Unarius Community. We look forward to your assistance in spreading the word about Unaruis and the teachings of Dr. Ernest Norman.
Tom Miller