Gathering is defined as “an assembly; a purposeful accumulation; to pick or harvest from a place of growth or formation; to learn or conclude from something, observed, experienced, studied.”
Since November 2018, “The Gathering” has been in my consciousness. The presence has been like a force revealing a perpetual assembly of familiar people, events, places, etc. I’ve made many mental and written notes about this experience, and the magnitude of it has been such that I had numerous visions of aspects of my past in this life—relationships, places of employment, some of my written expressions on the Site, family, events in my childhood, people I haven’t seen in many years, forgotten experiences, and so-o-o much more; all were participants in The Gathering that I knew would manifest in my life, but not how.
I needed clarity of what I was attuned to. Well, just a few nights ago, I REALIZED, in The Gathering, that I have lived this life, unaware, in negativity. Until I became a Unarian in 2007, I gave little attention to the concepts of positive and negative. I have now acquired sufficient knowledge to make a choice; I have chosen the positive polarity. It has taken a painful, year-long, conscious reliving of a past life experience with a family member to further awaken my consciousness to “negativity.” The conflict continues; he hasn’t taken responsibility for himself. I have and moved on!
So many of them in the rain.
I hear their canorous songs of Light—
pleasure for me in the balm of home!
I’m coming”! I call out;
they chirp more songs of Light!
Others hear…listen;
I’m coming, I’m coming”! they call
from the balm of their homes too.
We rush out, gaze into brilliance—
a constellation of birds,
branches turning, reflecting my journey,
others’ too. and everyone asks,
“Is this a gathering or a great migration”?
I see one on the Inner, perched;
in his campestral view,
I behold the path of their migration.
Beautiful is the breadth of Light;
they’re attuned to their Source!
“I’m coming!” I call out again,
other’s too, “I’m coming!”
My vision rests
on the one serenely perched.
Everyone asks, (they saw him too):
“Is that me? It feels like me!”
“Yes, a view of you in the Light!”
His eyes twinkled for each of us:
“A view of you, and you, and you…”
Each of us was thrilled,
“Progressive evolution!”
A zephyr of Light comes through
and everyone sings more songs of Light!
Tagged with: Cosmon Corner
I recall that during the summer of 2017, I had a desire to become more involved in studying “Energy”. I picked up my Unarius books and began to do just that, but couldn’t focus. I made the effort repeatedly over a few weeks and gave up, realizing I must have a block and awaited healing as I continued my studies of the Principles of Unarius. Just a few months ago, I became aware that I would soon be able to study. This morning, I was inspired to begin; the impact has been brilliant. I beheld myself walking upward, through the wall of my den and the trees out back. A magnificent Light shone through them from far beyond, allowing me to see that they were not solid. Everything appeared as a thin, luminous veil, but when I touched the den wall, there was Light! So much Beauty and Love. One feels like the other!
In Chapter 3 of The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation, I read: “The Infinite can be said to be energy-energy manifesting Itself in an infinite number of dimensions and in an infinite number of ways. To look at the world about us, we must first subtract from our consciousness the idea of solidity or mass, we must first understand that there is no such thing as a solid. We are only conceiving such things as solidity in a comparative way, or in a comparative value, with one thing measured against another, as it resides in this terrestrial rate of vibration”.
Moments later I read that our consciousness is pure energy.
I know, I know that in my continual attunement with The Gathering-that Beautiful Inspiration-I have received healing that brought this about. In this experience, I have clarity that my desires are fulfilled when the cycle brings them about, not when I want them to. When The Gathering began to oscillate in my consciousness, it soothed discomforts I was having, but I had no idea this would happen. I had forgotten that I desired to study “Energy”.
I Love the Infinite.
Dear Naimah – This is such a wonderful realization that you experienced!! Your vision has brought you to the crux of the meaning ‘In the world, but not of it’ As you say – ALL IS ENERGY – even the MIND!! You have now reached beyond the fetters of limitations! I am Soooo happy for you!!!
It was 3:37 a.m. yesterday. I woke up and immediately began having thoughts of the long curve in the road where I live. I thought of the pedestrian who was killed there about twelve years ago–hit by a truck. A lot has happened there, when the curve was deep and gravelly and even since it was widened and paved when I was a teenager. Then I had a flash of that white SUV that flipped down the bank of the east end of the curve a few years ago. My son Salah heard the crash and, as if answering a sonorous call, ran from his house and climbed on top of the vehicle that was lying flat on the passenger side and pulled the driver out.
I was aware this was another vision in the Light of The Gathering. Then a male form appeared that seemed to be made of darkness; like stars in the night sky, blue lights flashed within his body that was moving forward. Gradually, a mist appeared behind him, and sleepy, I became impatient waiting for whatever would follow that dark image. “Pay attention”, I heard my father’s voice. “Pay attention”, he repeated, and moments later, my son appeared in the mist, entangled in a metal structure, trying to free himself. As he advanced, I saw that it was the cantilever eastbound Mississippi River Bridge that connects Louisiana to Mississippi in our region of the State. (Salah lives in Louisiana, about five miles on the other side of the River.) As he came closer, crossing the water, I saw that the skin on his face was sagging and much darker than it actually is; his eyes protruded. He was in great distress.
A few hours later, around 7:30, I received a message, sent by him. He wanted to talk to me, and wanted to know if that was alright. I said yes to the messenger. He hasn’t contacted me yet, but I know he will and is ready to assume some responsibility for his actions. I’m now aware of a change to a more pleasant attunement to him.
After we split up in 2017, I contacted Tom and learned that Salah and I had a past life association during the Spanish Inquisition. After that enlightenment, I again received the inspiration, “Let the Brothers do it”. Understanding that I could do nothing for Salah, I surrendered to my Superconscious for more direction and took responsibility for whatever my role was during that past life. Now, 13 months later, in the microscopic view of this experience, I am content with my personal efforts, the lessons I’ve learned and the Beauty of the Principles in action!
Thank you, Tom, for your help, for the wisdom then and now. I’m “Soooo happy”!!!
TEMPUS INTERLUDIUM, VOLUME II, Chapter: Positive Regeneration (More on Healing)
Here the Moderator tells us to ask ourselves four questions and to ask them honestly. One of them is, “Are you willing to make every effort in study and constructive application in your own personal relationship towards a better future”?
(Yes, I am. I rededicate my unceasing efforts.)
The message continues: “Remember, also, that an honest constructive start into this Infinite through Unarius means complete dedication of purpose, long and diligent study and application through countless years and lifetimes in the future, and from which course, should you ever renege, would mean spiritual oblivion… It will also mean countless hours of compromise with the old self for sometimes the old self dies hard. It will mean giving up what apparently seems to be, at the present moment, the very sustaining elements of life…”
Another of the four questions: “Can you recognize that the various conflicts and aberrations, presently with you, are products of your own making from past lifetimes”?
(Yes, I can. I will continue to strive for healing.)
IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF IT (the next chapter), the Moderator gives us the meaning of that precise statement and the purpose of Unarius:
“We, the Unariuns, maintain our Mission in this world for the sole purpose of helping those who earnestly desire and have dedicated themselves to the proposition of going beyond this world to attain a long-dreamed-of immortality and the practical realization of life beyond the graveyard of this world.
In our files are the handwritten testimonials of many thousands who have been so helped and there are other uncounted thousands who have likewise been helped but have not testified. Regardless, at the time of passing from this world, they will, after crossing the river Styx -the river of death- find a strong and willing hand to help them from their frail bark of desires onto the shores of their new Spiritual World”.
I have been helped. I Love Unarius.