Cosmic Continuum
Cosmic Continuum
Dr. Ernest Norman gives a comprehensive scientific explanation of the inter-dimensional cosmos and Man’s relationship within it.
Written in 1960. Amazingly, this entire book was dictated in one continuous session, save for brief pauses, and the total elapsed recording time was nine hours, completely filling both tracks of two standard 7 inch reels of tape. It was transcribed and printed verbatim, requiring no sentence structure changes.
There was no preparation for this dictation, in fact, not even a premonition; the author simply sat down and began to dictate. When you finish these lessons, you will agree that they are indeed a prodigious mental feat and one which is with out equal. The concepts given are far in advance of our present-day scientific technocracy; scientific concepts which have just begun to be vaguely explored by a few of the more far-reaching minds.
It is, as with all other vehicles of Unarian concepts, a book created as a tool. Which can be used by any individual to dig himself out of the burrow of his material existence. It is a book which compounds within itself, all of the vastness of Infinity.
Inside are 11 lessons of Dr. Ernest L. Norman’s teachings
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Cosmic Continuum Course

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