Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – A Course of Study
The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
The joining of Science and Spirit for the 21st century and beyond.
13 Lessons Given at Los Angeles in 1956 and The Advanced Lesson Course given in 1960, the Addendum added in 1970. In the Advanced Lesson Course 1960—Dr. Ernest L. Norman describes and diagrams the magnetic lines of force in the solar system, five years before these scientific “discoveries”—using billions of dollars of technical equipment, including satellites.
To the Unarian student many important facts are quite obvious, not the least of which is: you have an unprecedented opportunity to learn of the creative cosmos, even thousands of years in advance of any earth technocracy or science, and to make yourself a better person and insure your immortality in the process of learning.
Dr. Ernest Norman dismantles religious beliefs and stresses a scientific approach to everyday living
Historic events, philosophical and moral issues are addressed in a relativistic manner and the author makes one think about good and evil in an “Einsteinian” framework. Dr. Norman keeps challenging accepted beliefs and summarily shatters them, forcing the student to really think about things. Definitely an exposure to a very unique and indeed refreshing world.
Inside these 13 lessons are the core of Dr. Ernest L. Norman’s teachings
The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation remains the foundation and core of Unarius. Every student of Unarius needs to go through these lessons to grasp the concepts that follow though your course of study. While some of those new to Unarius may not start their journey with this particular book, we recommend it highly as the beginning step. In addition, it should be revisited and studied often, even for more advanced students, because each pass through exposes the student to deeper understanding and more insight.
Course Curriculum
Home Study Lesson Course

Advanced Lesson Course

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