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Giants of Philosophy– Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) – One of the many great thinkers incarnated into the Renaissance and brought a reasoned approach to the meaning and method of progressive thought! The first video describes Spinoza’s life in summary. Spinoza – The Apostle of Reason This video uses a play to exhibit Spinoza’s numerous letters and…

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Ernest L Norman lived the life of Anaxagoras as realized in a reading when reliving the life of Akhenaten. His teachings helped advance the knowledge of the universe given the age in which he lived. Below is a description of how history sees him and also Ruth Norman’s testimonial about him. Anaxagoras (c. 510 –…

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The following presentation is number 4 in a series of videos about the Mind-Body relationship and has many great concepts that help explain Dr. Norman’s teachings. We must consider as we watch it that they use different words and expressions – mostly born from Eastern terminology and some concepts are a little off base, however,…

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