Chapter XLVI: An Inspirational Message
To Ernest and Ruth: To my children of the earth, I bid you greetings at your time at the quickening of the Spirit. We trust you will not be disturbed or dismayed at the hostility, anger and unrest of the many earth people, for these are great movements of transition; all shall come unto its own rebirth, unto the eye of the maker which is its creative substance. The differences which the people of the earth find among themselves are as small shadows tossed about in the dawn and break of a new day.
Plentiful and spiritual abundance shall be the reward of those who have followed the path most faithfully, not that Truth and its virtues need rewarding, for it is sufficient unto its own luminosity to dispel all evil forces which would blur or darken its Radiance.
Just as it was prophesied, there is one among you who is the Comforter, which gives you the moral strength and courage to overcome, not as a person or doctrine or a kept covenant, but each person’s own infusion of Light—the Wellspring of life.
There are, as you call Christians, among men who observe this as the week of the resurrection yet, mark not the time or place when life either dies or ceases to be. And how can anything be resurrected which has not died? And in this resurrection, let us be sure we have buried all of the old distrusts and hatreds of the past and as we rest from our labors, receive the resurgence of life everlasting and abundant.
This would indeed be much better than to glorify an ancient passion of blood, for as the wheel of life turns for each one, and as each spoke marketh the century of his coming and going, it is indeed well that he travels upon this wheel lightly—not overburdened with the desires and lusts which muddy the rim of his wheel. Better indeed it is for him to grow lilies of pure and whitened desire of spiritual attainment from the slime and ooze of his earthly world than to cover himself with the sackcloth and ashes of recriminations, for like vultures, all must roost in their own rookery and own time—and barren indeed is the desert where they seek their food; and if we must have wings, let them be those which will carry us high above the rocky crags and crevasses into the sunnier pastures where the fields are lush with newborn flowers.
The time upon the earth for any man is like a treadmill and each life a step when his tired foot must push the never-ending chain to each succeeding step, each one like its last yet more unyielding as the body grows tired and the shoulders are bent beneath a heavy load of karma. Must it be that such a man must use his tongue as his own whiplash and that the stripes upon his back are those he counts against himself? Even the jackal in the desert has a better lot than such a man. The vessel of life is but meant to temper the steel of character—not to destroy it, for he who heats the steel of life with the turmoil of passion, greeds, lusts and anxieties but takes from the metal that which makes it strong—and that it shall surely shatter unto a thousand pieces when immersed in the clean, cool freshness of a new life.
And he who maketh the bricks for the building of walls and cities knows that in their baking that equalness of heat must be maintained lest they break and become useless. Foolish indeed is the man who maketh of his life unto the measure of that of another; and only in living and creating his own life, can he become the artisan which will create something of rare beauty or a great destructiveness, for metal, like many things used by man, has no choice and it can become the plowshare or the sword.
And so, good children of the earth, and especially to you two who are constantly refreshing and filling the vessel from the inner life, and that even as the vessel is filled afresh does it become transmitted from the drossiness of the earth into a rare and beautiful chalice, finer than the finest alabaster, for these Waters from the Inner Spring transform all things; nor canst they become muddied or tainted. For no man approaches this Spring unless he is freed from the mires of the earth and has cleansed his garments and anointed himself with the oil of consecrated desire; and these Inner Waters are not marked by cross or temple, neither are they held apart to but a favored few, for all mankind must drink from these Waters ere he perish from thirst on the desert of his own iniquities.
Like the plants and flowers and trees which taketh from the earth the things which are necessary to be combined with the sunshine and fresh air, it too finds within its own way, Waters which are not of the root or soil but which giveth its form even unto every generation. And so it is with every man. But I see my time is getting short to be with you and the mind needs to be returned. We are most happy and grateful that we can be of service to you, for these are but mere words which I have uttered, yet they, too, carry the moisture from this Inner Spring.
Take good care of that which you have, nor canst see nor touch, the most precious of all possessions, for this is life and as such, is part of the Creator who, in that constant never-ending procession of cycles, large and small, meets with all things and dies not for a single instant.
And so let every man find his own resurrection, each unto his own time and place; but for you who truly walk in the Light, resurrection is always with you and in the giving of life, in thought and form and substance to the inert and drabness which is around you, do you become the resurrector; for to create is to be godlike and no man can do unto another which he cannot do unto himself.
And so let us create that which is the true resurrection, for as God lives He thus moves through all things and in the creation do you become part of the moving. Only a fool will destroy, for the destructiveness which he exerts against his adversary is not half so great as that which he wields against himself. It has been said that if thou art smitten upon the cheek, turnest thou the other, yet it must truly be meant and intended that thou takest the force of thine adversary’s blow and create from it some substance of life which will help him turn away from the destructiveness of his ways. And that as these things are well said and intended, yet they are carried into the ears of babes and are uttered as their words. And so it is that I find evil in this hour and in the hearts of men who have followed in My footsteps, for verily did these things which were said and talked of on the shores of Galilee enter into the ears of babes and became their words.
Yet, more than this, for whilst they said these things and talked much of that which was said, yet they grew up, not as men but as thieves carrying nothing in their minds but a guileful way to use those words, so that all would cast themselves down before their feet and worship them in their false temples and that they would glorify their hatreds of one man against another. And as they hold aloft the cross of crucifixion that as of that day and hour do they become, in turn, crucified to their own evil. Only through the lustful passions that goodness could be preserved into posterity, yet even so, the cock croweth three times unto each man and that he denieth himself before his neighbor; and his evil ways is but his voice.
(In writing His words, I, Ruth, felt it was He and instinctively expressed the thought.) (“Yes, ye knew me then.”)
And now, do I come to you in what is but a moment of remembrance not unforgotten but remembered only for the wisdom which could be borne, not as a cross to Calvary but as an illuminating Light cast from the Vessel of Life with well-kept wick, kept filled from the Inner life to guide each man, each unto his own Mansion, unto his own Garden, his own winepress, wherein he could press the rarest of all vintages, from grapes gathered from all corners of the universe.
And so, dear ones, there is no separation, neither from this moment henceforth, shall all of us be ever at thy side, for the fruit of the past has been gathered and withered is the tree of that time, yet the fruit endureth and so again, it is the time of harvest and the time of storing away, for soon the tree shall wither even as it has done before; yet from the fruit and in the seed thereof springeth anew another tree, and let us find always that its fruit is richer and more abundant than otherwise borne before.
We rest—Selah.
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