Unarius FAQs

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Unarians United, or Unarius Science of Life, (owners and editors of this site) is a nonprofit, educational and scientific organization created by dedicated Students of Unarius to return to the core teachings of Ernest Norman. Our primary efforts are to continue the work of Dr. Norman without all the extraneous baggage that detracts from the core teachings. We are a no cost membership organization.

The keystone of the Unarius curriculum is to lift the consciousness of the individual through the dedicated study of the Unarius lesson courses so that one may attain Psychic Liberation!
Admission to seminars, lectures, and special events is available to registered members.
One of the primary ways we minimize those distractions is through membership registration. While membership is FREE and open to anyone; we can restrict access of those persons who don’t abide by the Standards of Conduct for the Unarius United Community. The public portion of this site will always remain accessible for everyone to read, but does not allow participation in the site activities.
Once registered and accepted as a member, you will receive access to the private portion of this website, and discover the many faceted activities focused on the teachings of Unarius and Dr. Norman. You have the ability to participate in discussions, sharing success, getting help and clarity from other like-minded students, and much more.

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