What’s the difference between being “perceptive”, “psychic”, “clairvoyant” and “channeling”.
There once was a man who climbed a mountain. The man got to the first plateau of the mountain, about 1/4 of the distance to the peak and proclaimed “I can see everything, our village, the people within it and all the way to the sea”. The man was able to get a feel for his place in the world. He could see the subtle differences in the terrain and the people.
He continued his climb to the next plateau about half way to the summit. He rested and looked at the view and proclaimed the previous view was limited by the trees and could see much farther and and now had a much better perspective of the entire landscape. He could see a much broader view of the world below. He realized how limited his previous view was in comparison to his current view.
After climbing to the 3rd plateau (clairvoyance) the man realized the two previous plateaus were nothing in comparison. Now he could see clearly almost the entire valley and neighboring towns. He could choose what to see and where to look. The thought dawned on our climber as he stood there that the peak of the mountain would allow him to see all 360 degrees and so he climbed on.
Finally our climber reached the peak and yes he could see in every direction limited only by his own eyesight. He realized this is something like the eye of God. The further you can climb the greater your perspective and a greater sense of “oneness” with everything around you. The climber felt an overwhelming need to share that sense of oneness with everyone he encounters for the rest of his life. The beauty and the sense of oneness with God filled the climber for the remainder of his days.
This story is my attempt to illustrate the improvements in awareness as you climb the mountain of perception.
Stage 1 is a keen ability to be aware of the physical subtleties around you, the body language, the vocal inflections, the smells, sounds and sights, etc. That you unconsciously pick up and react to.
Stage 2 is the “psychic” ability to perceive feelings, images, thoughts, sound, smells but with no ability to know where they are coming from or what they mean.
Stage 3 is the “clairvoyant” level where you have all the abilities of stage 1 & 2 but also have the ability to know where these experiences are coming from and have a good degree of control.
Stage 4 or “Channeling” is a combination of the three prior stages but now allows you to act as a bidirectional conduit between the physical and spiritual worlds. Under the proper conditions you are able to put your conscious mind in “abeyance” and allow higher spiritual beings to speak or act through you. You now have the ability to help others see the other side through you.
Beyond stage 4 while still being physical are degrees of the ability to connect to the spiritual dimensions. This generally requires cleaning out the garbage you’ve collected. Our vision is limited by the amount of karma we carry. Karma is like a dark pair of sunglasses. You can climb to the top of a mountain but with dark sunglasses your view will still be limited.
The one thing the climber found at each plateau was the idea that he had the best view and until he moved to the next plateau he could not conceive there might be a better view.
So why was it that very few had managed to reach the mountain peak?
The climber realized there was one difference between himself and those that failed to climb the mountain. The climber had learned to shed all of the excessive weight and carry only what was required.
So, what’s the lesson here?
Submitted by: Stephen Anderson on 05/27/2014
Tagged with: Voice of Unarius
Steve – This posting is Simply Marvelous!!! The concept here is soooooooo important! Your method of relating reminds me of analogy tales by Aesop, which convey a deep and penetrating message of life affirming ideas!! As I read it, the vision you speak of came clearly into my mind. You are proving that you have the talent to relate these great concepts in a way that we can understand. Just great!!!
My Love and light, Cosmon
Greetings Steve,
You hit another one out of the proverbial ball park!!! Cleaning our self up is so very important as you’ve pointed out… brings a New Light to the meaning of the necessity of unloading that excess baggage.
A song that came into my consciousness while reading your post was, “I Can See Clearly Now” by Johnny Nash.
Yes indeed Tom, Aesop.
Love and Light Always,
Mr. Steve – I must agree with Tom. That is so well written, so helpful. Nice to see you here posting!
Now you’re talking!
You ask, “What is the lesson here?”
We can only be as clear as we allow our conduits to be. As Dr. Norman said, cleaning the leaves and twigs from the gutters so the water may flow freely. Also being aware, as Dr. Norman has said, of “No limitations.”
So having an open mind, not being like a farmer who said, “It ain’t so,” when he saw a giraffe, polarizing the negative with the positive as in clearing the karmic gunk and to know that we are eternal beings and that there will always be a new plateau to reach. This is my simplified answer to your question of “What’s the lesson here?”
Thanks for the post. Nice to reflect upon.
Dear Steve, (This is Ken commenting)
I would have posted sooner, but I’m still not able to get on the site under my own name. As I have said before, you have a real gift of expression. The analogy of climbing the mountain is a perfect illustration of how our perception advances the higher up we go. It was also interesting that you pointed out how the Infinite makes every stage enjoyable to the climber.
Again, my thanks for all of your input and insights. The excess baggage you referred to is of course our karma, which when worked through, lightens the load, and gives us another step-up toward that mountaintop! So, I’m now inspired to get my climbing gear out and head up that trail!…..L&L…..Ken