The last few days, I’ve felt what I can describe as “elevated,” or in an environment rather difficult to describe, for earthly words cannot fully paint a higher canvas of expression mandating causal experiences that make our life experiential. Anywhere I look, I feel like a foot off the ground and surrounded by an incredible network of pulsing, spiraling forces and constant flashes of strong lights of every color, but mainly blue, pink, and yellow – and yes, my Glaucoma pressure levels (15) are normal and not the cause, had that checked 🙂 These lights “touch” my vessel when they flash, I feel them like a soft, powdering cushion with a slight energy bearing, gentle, and loving beyond comprehension, making the heart jump with joy, the body quiver with emotion, and watery eyes that swell like summer rain clouds. It’s a feeling that never leaves, and one recalls forever like some emotive, inspiring, symphonic rhapsody.
I no longer experience such life-consuming dread for my thoughts, desires, and negative urges, and gladly share them with the Brothers without shame and an open heart the instant these arise, allowing principle and virtue to feed them from our Masters of Light. May I feel greater respect for future righteousness, love for all things, and understanding for the evolutionary development of others, rather than displeasure or judgment – and that applies to myself as well, perhaps the one individual I’ve ceaselessly haunted with intolerance the most to the point of death. My heart is in love with Love, and Love is all I need, for Love and beauty is everything. What else is there to want?
I thank the infinite Brotherhood for “hooking me up”, and helping me understand the reasons for my own mental burial, if I can call it that, for my thoughts I brutally hid from myself out of shame and lost I was, squashing truth from both ends – inside, and out. I’ve come to realize that I was a “wanna be,” a fake, someone wanting to rise to the top without really following all the appropriate steps – much less, higher purpose. Insecurity and incompetence placed my efforts and labors into the hands of others whom I emulated with moving thrill, but took advantage of my every weakness and lust for power. I became frustrated and vengeful at my inability to attain darkened dreams, leaving behind a trail of selfish tints in the lives of others, and saddening casualties in the pages of galactic history – all because I blindly abandoned love and truth; well, be it no more. Power was lodged in my crosshairs with no desire to let up, and while I’m by far not yet free, I’m highly inspired to keep going forward by the love I now see.
Let Love be my goal, let me selflessly help rescue what was lost in the lives of others and bring rebirth in the pages of history. Let healing be in my crosshairs, let it reach way down into my heart. Let there be Light, and let I someday help bring it. Let there be Love, and let I someday live in it. The Love I barely comprehend, I share, with thee. Let us then, be as one and, be free.
Submitted by: Roberto Gaetan on 01/11/2014
Tagged with: Voice of Venus
A beautiful and touching testimonial Roberto. I sense that you are really working out…a great example for all of us. Thanks for sharing!
Dear Roberto,
Birgit and I are deeply touched by your words…and uplifted!
Dear Brother Roberto,
What a lovely testimonial!
I sincerely hope you can successfully stay true to yourself, true to others who occasionally may share a pathway with you, and true to the Brothers who inspire you. I hope you can stay True to the Truth now and always.
Dear Roberto,
What a beautiful and transformational healing journey you have experienced! I am so happy for you. Thank you so much for sharing this light and love with us. To not only see the lights and colors of the Higher Worlds but also feel them so intensely, to feel the Infinite’s love and share that love, really is like a “symphonic rhapsody.” It is beauty beyond words. Your testimonial is very inspiring, very uplifting! Love and Light to you.
Greetings Roberto,
To bare one’s soul as have you, bespeaks volumes as to your character. When we face our demon(s)head on and dismantle them piece by piece until that demon exists no more, then we have loosed those shackles that have held us prisoner for so long.
Roberto, I have NO DOUBT whatsoever that now and well into your future will be a bright one as is that path you walk on now.
Whenever I see you on the Inner(Muse)you are steadfast,focused forward, and move at a pace that lets me know that you know where you are going, and with that kind of determination, you will not be waylaid.
The energies and colors that you found yourself enveloped in is the nourishment that feeds our every need and I feel privileged that you took time to post your testimonial so that I could share in your transformation. Going from a pupa to a butterfly is a beautiful transition to behold.
Love and Light,
Roberto, in re-reading your testimonial today I am struck again by the depth of your understanding, the depth of the workout. You are a wonderful friend, a great student of UNARIUS, deeply involved in working out your past. I feel you standing with courage for the LIGHT and look forward to the continued growth of our relationship. It’s nice to have another Brother around.
Dear Brother: As I was re-reading your vivid testimonial, my thoughts went to Dr. Norman and how he would speak of the various students and the working out of their past – and how happy he was with those who were developing in their consciousness through their efforts to understand the teachings. He would say that these realizations will become the cornerstone of the person’s flight into the Higher Realms! You are now demonstrating the true meaning of Unarius! I know that as you reach into the mind of inspiration, your positive future will be secured – as it is with all who walk this pathway to the stars.
Like you I’ve found that the recognition of truth is sometimes painful and many do not appreciate the need to reject false ideals. What was the parable? “Above all else, to thine own self be true”.
I’ve learned I cannot please everybody and to try, is to be false to myself. I commend you in your realization. The first step to self awareness is honesty to thyself. Regardless of what others think I should do or be I cannot progress based on the expectations of anyone other than myself.
As I read your testimonial, I thought of feelings I have often had and still do, including my gratitude to the Brothers for my position in my progressive evolution at this time. I salute you for your efforts that have delivered you to where you are, and I know that you will not fall back.
As I looked into the image there, I realized that it is now becoming a popular one, though in most variations of it, there is no person or people, just the misty pathway through the forest with dusky light. This image reminds me of “The Road Not Taken,” but now people are walking their garden path there. It IS the road we’re taking now.
Thank you for this beautiful inspiration in which I am able to see my own progress.
Mi querido Roberto me faltan palabras para expresar lo que siento cuando leo tu testimonio y siento que estoy tan adherida nuevamente a la hermandad siento una felicidad tan inmensa en mi corazón por saber qué me ha vuelto a recoger y estar de nuevo en el camino que el padre trazó Para nuestras vidas desde un comienzo me sentía como la oveja perdida y hoy veo claramente Cómo has dejado esas otras 99 por venir a mí me siento tan especial tan consentida que brotan lágrimas de mis ojos pero siento que salen del alma, benditos sean mis hermanos mayores que se ofrecen a servir de canal para recogernos atravez de sus enseñanzas y su amor incalculable, agradecimiento y felicidad lo que estoy expresando Gracias Roberto Gracias,Gracias Miller a todos.¡y seguiremos adelante!
Martha, gracias por su amoroso reconocimiento que la Luz, la sinceridad y la verdad son el verdadero futuro, poniendo sus ojos en el concepto cosmico de la creacion infinita. Asi es, adelante, porque ni los cocodrilos tienen marcha atras 🙂