Having book_of_light-unarius-unitedbeen exposed to the teachings of Unarius for 30 + years and reading and re-reading Dr. Norman’s explanation of the Infinite principles and listening to tapes and CDs impinged with His energy, I didn’t see the necessity (or should I say the importance) of once again reading and listening to these lessons on the web site and attempting to put into words my understanding . Now my eyes have been opened to the whys and wherefores of this undertaking.

When we study together the higher intelligence and the energies of this wonderful teaching seem so much more clear. I am once again reading the lesson courses and putting into words my understanding ( I started commenting in the middle of the lesson course and plan to finish …then start again.) 


The Infinite is opening up to me as never before (and I feel sure His words being spoken are the reason for this ). What a wonderful experience it is for me as I hope all students will experience this wondrous feeling. Its as if The Moderator is standing in front of me, speaking His wonderful messages. I personally feel the interaction between Dr. Norman and myself. I had no idea that putting my feelings in print could make this experience so much more fulfilling.

Submitted by: Shirley Hibbs on 08/14/2014

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