This video demonstrates the patterns that waves-forms transverse in this dimension. It shows torsional wave structures and is strictly from a third dimensional way of showing energy propagation. It however is a good lesson for those students who do not have a science background and struggling with the way Dr. Norman describes interdimensional energy interaction.
What do you think? Did the film help you to visualize the waveform better?
Tagged with: Voice of Eros
This is an excellent video for demonstrating how waveforms can cancel each other out. When the energy waves of a negative cycle come in, we can attune to the source positively, sending a positive wave back to neutralize or polarize the condition. A visual like this or the oscilloscope which Dr. Norman used in his class helps a great deal.
Dr. Norman, in one of his passages, related that the third dimension was all sine wave in design. A pattern which required time and space. He used a metal bar to show that when struck, the waveforms travel back and forth along the bar which requires time and space as demonstrated in the video. He said the fourth dimension was cycular, and if we bent that bar around and welded it in circular form and then struck it, we would find that the waveforms ultimately oscillate everywhere simultaneously, eliminating time and space. He also indicated that the greater Infinite was formed as a Fountainhead.
This concept always fascinated me. I kept thinking that energy must somehow evolve naturally from one design to the other as its frequency stepped up, but I couldn’t visualize it in my mind. One morning while shaving I had that “aha” moment. I wanted to run down the streets shouting ‘Eureka’ with shaving cream on my face.:) What I envisioned was this. Imagine a “slinky toy” stretched out 186,210 miles. Now we know from the Energy Spectrum that as we increase frequency, we change the properties of the wave. The wave can be radio, t.v., infrared, light, ultra violet, x-ray, etc. as its frequency increases as more little loops to the slinky are added. The “aha” came when I questioned what would happen when that 186,210 mile long slinky was completely packed with all those windings and there wasn’t anymore room or ‘space’. The answer was that the slinky itself would start turning. Another process would start, another Energy Spectrum, but built on a cycular foundation (timeless and spaceless). The Fourth Dimension! This process could be continued on up through an infinite number of dimensions and would ultimately be increasing or fanning out into a design such as the Fountainhead.
Now whether this concept is right or wrong, it was my way of interpreting Dr. Norman’s statements and has motivated me to keep trying to add more ‘loops’.
Keep these videos coming…Ken