Michael Leas stated: the atom>wavelengths of energy patterning
Tom Miller responded with:
Very Good! The view is a two dimensional representation of the vortex. The
two ends are in reality (from a fourth dimensional perspective) completely encircling the third dimensional mass that detects the polarity reversal (Oscillation) by our instruments as the reactive harmonics of
electromagnetic lines of force along with protonic strong force, the
electronic weak force and gravity which is translated into space which
becomes warped by nearby vortexes Einstein postulated in his relativity
This is a very important point as you investigate the various
properties of your experiments.
Tagged with: Voice of Eros
Dear Michael and Cosmon,
It seems to me that if we could see the total scope and structure of God or The Infinite, we would be viewing a humongous vortex. Not just expanding and contracting in centrifugal and centripetal regenerative fashion, but actually growing by birthing new vortexes along its arms of force. These arms would supply the energy for growth of these new individual vortex formations. This expanding process would continue on by these new vortexes, dimensionally, to ultimately include Stars, Planets and Souls….making us all part of God or The Infinite with the objective of becoming more Infinite too…….with no wires needed;)…..Ken