The Joining – Part Two

The Joining was voiced by the Higher Being overshadowing the Moderator in 1964. It is a message from the highest energies expressed into this dimension and carries great healing bolts! This video is an attempt to put images to His voice.



Part Two


Dear Ones: At this hour and in this place, I again come to you.

And while I am of spirit, I knoweth not the

necessity of one hour or one place.

For surely in me, all hours, each are joined in their proper places.


I come among you as one of you – a man among men

so that you knoweth of me by name.

And my form yieldeth to thee – my body,

For surely as I am of this form and in this place,

Yet I am not one of thee, but of spirit.

And as such I liveth not in the form or in the flesh

But rather, the flesh liveth in me and corrupteth me not.

For if ye should not see me thusly, how should you know me,

or how should you call me if I am not known as a man and

only of spirit?

Then thine eyes yieldeth not my form,

neither does thine ears tell thee of my name.

And so it was many years ago,  I was born among ye

A Man among men, to yield to thee the things of spirit –

Each in their hour and in their place.

For surely, if you knoweth of these things and from the spirit,

each in their time and in their place,

Then ye knoweth of Me, for I am joined in them,

and in them they manifest to thee –

Each in its time and in its place.


So it must be thusly, the joining of all

things and their proper placement.

For, as ye cometh upon them and your eyes yield

 their form and your ears heareth of their name,

Then you knoweth of them and they too,

become joined in thee.

And in thine future you too, become as of spirit –

Joined in all things.


And as spirit, so ye too may rest from among men

the conquering ideals and ambitions to be as they are,

each one a citadel unto himself.

For as he becomes a citadel, so is he turned to stone

And he yieldeth neither the form nor the spirit –

nor will his ears heareth celestial music.

Neither will his feet trod the pathways of the stars

among those who have become spirit.

Yet, if I was to speak to thee of spirit how

would you know Me or how would you

know spirit if you know nothing of all

things – save that you have been in and part

of this world – each one unto many lifetimes.


He has not yet cometh to the time and place where

all these lives have yielded him naught but sorrow and pain.

For he is ever searching for that time and place and that hour

when he too is joined in all things and in all hours and in all places –

And he knoweth of them all, yet holding with all the vision

that here too, must be a new beginning

A new place to withhold a new infinity.

And a searching and seeking, and a joining in the many ways

of spirit so that it too, yields more of its own self.

For, in these things are born the essences of creation.


And as the planets around their suns spin in their mad

galaxies of never-ending and ceaseless motion,

So it is in all creation, that these things too,

must yield unto themselves of what they are.

Not as they would be seen or as they would be heard,

but as they know of themselves and how are

they thusly joined in spirit.


And so as you ponder the many hours ahead,

and you are searching and seeking and striving to

join in spirit so that I would have you remember me as such,

having joined in you these common things which

I too have joined in spirit.

Not common to you, but uncommon to all earth men.

Only in the principles of creativity do they become ever apparent,

do they become the sustaining virtues of thy life.


And that you should not seek as other men do.

Nor should you seek among them for this

 joining of spirit and all the things of which spirit is.

For surely you shall find none of it – for they have not.

Each man must seek and search among the things of

which he is. The treasures which he has stored in the after years –

to the things in which he has envisioned in his future.

To his hopes, his aspirations and his ideals.

He must sift among the ashes of his experiences for

the last traces of virtues which have been

left by the fires of emotion.

He must ever be conscious that in this world

there are many things which seek to destroy and to

nullify all that he has thus joined.

For there is ever about him the ways of men

and their undoings – each one unto themselves.

And in their hollow mockeries, their hypocrisies and

their bigotries, they too are searching.

They too must find the erstwhile essences of spirit.

For, the longings in their heart are truly born of spirit.

For are not all things thus created from it?

And are not all things its substance and itself?


Each thing, good or evil so contrived as each man seeth it in his

own eye, becomes as naught to another man in his joining.

For this joining washes away these traces of emotionalisms which

yieldeth the taint of sin, of strife and of turmoil – and naught is

left save the pure golden grains of wisdom.


Thus, man cometh unto the world and he is one among

the many denizens with which dwelleth upon its face and

he is nourished in its sustenances.

And he clotheth himself in its many forms

and he diversifies himself in many other

ways and thinks that it is all –

Yet, ever fearful that this passeth away,

even so as he sees these things vanish from his eyes.


What then of the morrow? Are ye yielded up again

into the abominations of the earth world?

Will ye return to again wash thy pathway

in blood and tears?

To the final unending, ending of thy life?


Or will ye seek among the ashes of what you are to gain

these things of spirit, these essences which have

in their many forms and manifestations lived

through all of the emotional tirades of thy existence?


Surely then, this is the way of the joining.

This is the way in which you too, can again live

and be joined in spirit.

By Ernest L Norman

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