Hi Ya Tom,
I was listening to someone talk about a certain branch of conspiracy theorists who firmly believe in the idea of lizard-people, that there are a large amount of people in controlling organizations such as government and corporations that are literally reptilians who can change back and forth from a human-like appearance to a scaly reptile, and that their minds are reptilian and so cold and calculating.
I was curious as to whether this was a psychic memory of times in Atlantis, when people actually did splice their DNA with animal genetics, and then physically and, more importantly, psychically displayed the animal characteristics. The idea of modifying oneself by splicing with a lizard or other reptile to become a better expert at cold calculation, attempting to remove the influence of emotions in that fashion rather than a mastery of emotion, seems one that would be easily appealing to a certain type of ambitious person.
While it makes sense though, I don’t know the truth of it, as I’ve only heard animal splicing in Atlantean times alluded to. What do you know about it?
Curiously, Forrest
Tom Miller wrote:
Dear Forrest: There was a period in the decadent times of Atlantis that gene spicing was one of the negative things attempted to gain control over the masses. The conspiracy theorists has used these and other aberrations to explain the present inequalities in our present day. However, most of the time, these alarmists are actually being controlled by negative obsessions – entities or energy patterns attuned by these ignorant people who have not the ability to understand their position and the pressures of their daily life.
I view these ideas and outlandish assertions as one more attempt to waylay the serious person. If there is a particular past that we need to be aware of, then our own superconscious will show us our direct participation in any negative energy for us to work out – otherwise, I take all these ideas as a grain of salt and a train of thought I need not be concerned. Why tune into the lower astral worlds if it does not directly affect us? Hope this helps. Single-strand and double-strand DNA damage—->
From: Forrest McNabb
Yes, that does help to explain it. I was particularly curious about it because the idea of reptilians is a very common conspiracy, and I wondered what possible roots of truth there might be in it.
That raises another question too though. The harmful effects of splicing with animal genes. I am somewhat familiar with the principles that go into it, but am not completely clear. My assumption would be that in altering our physical anatomy to closer resemble that of an animal, we alter our psychic anatomy as well, and further strengthen certain primitive animalistic traits that inhibit the progressive evolution of the mind and body. Is this the truth of it, and could you perhaps elaborate on it? I’ve only simply heard my mother refer to this Atlantean trend as a very dangerous one, but have only recently started to understand why it is so dangerous.
Tom Miller wrote:
Dear Forrest: The whole concept of DNA alterations is indeed very dangerous if not properly understood. When this science first grew out of the progress of the Atlantean civilization it was used positively – or, primarily was a means to correct particular irregular sequencing that inhibited or displayed aberrant anomalies in the pairing process. The aberrant pairing process was born from past psychic shocks or detrimental experiences in the person’s past that had altered the normal interaction between the psychic anatomy and the physical body. This, as today, could display as a Genetic defect affecting the body in ways we are familiar with such as cancer, bone defects, diabetes, etc. – or in the numerous mental aberrations described in our materia medica. The psychic effects were usually beneficial, but not always – as the so-called cure had UN-intentional consequences. These problems were noted by the scientists who attempted to correct this problem. Remember, at this time in history we were aware of the forth dimensional nature of energy. However, at that time , the benefits outweighed the harmful effects – so the process continued.
The turning point came when the Atlantean culture began using primitive peoples from undeveloped parts of the world as servants. Bringing them into their home, and eventually employing them in every aspect of Atlantean life. This arrangement worked well for many years. Over time they were absorbed into the fabric of daily life, even inter-marriage. After a time, the priest-scientists began using these primitive people as guinea pigs for genetic experimentation in order to fix the consequences of their DNA therapy. They found the primitives to exhibit peculiar genetic sequences – pairing sequences that could easily be manipulated to produce profound changes in behavior and physical alteration. Thus began a long slide down the ethical norms into evil.
Now, only a comparatively few of these primitives were altered, but enough to change the balance of social convention in society. It continued until the down-slide had inculcated the entire culture. Resentful and angered over their blatant use as guinea pigs, the brown skinned people rose up – they stole the energy secrets of the Atlantean science and proceeded to blow up the continent. Today you can witness the many guinea pigs of this past wandering this planet – displaying mental and physical problems. All of them have been psychically affected and are attempting to correct the numerous problems this past has burdened them with.
However, we must always remember that to be a victim, a person must first generate some negative action that impounds itself in the psychic structures which has the effect and consequences of increasing the ego – and in primitives, most violent action helps increase prowess and an ego inflation. Therefore, we can assume that the primitives were not as evolved as the people they were now serving. They came from a violent society which had used murder and mayhem as a normal course in order to survive. These values were brought into Atlantean society, but was buried or suppressed for a long time – or until the experiments began.
The present age is now attempting to reproduce this science. It is up to the perpetrators (whoever they are) of these negative doings to change this past into constructive usage. It is not that certain that they will. However, if they don’t take advantage of the positive cycle being entered into at this time, they will not be allowed (through the principle of frequency relationship) to remain and ply their evil wares!! For, when they die they will be relegated to another world which they might be compatible with. The Earth itself is entering into a great and positive cosmic cycle and will attract the more advanced and progressive souls who will usher in this new and wonderful way of living. The purpose of Unarius is to begin this positive cycle!!
From: Forrest McNabb
Thanks so much, that answers a lot of questions. It gives me MORE questions of course, but then what doesn’t? (Ha Ha).
Yes, this coming age is exciting. I can feel it coming in so many ways. I was born in 1990, so I was a child for the early rise of the internet, and have watched it change and develop with society. The change in mentality that this connectivity has brought to people is intoxicating, and I see structures like scientific academia, the mainstream media, and even our national government being pressed from underneath by the rising pressure of social and ethical change.
A map showing the supposed extent of the Atlantean Empire
Tagged with: Voice of Orion
Many things have been distorted for the purpose of manipulating man through the use of fear. Throughout time the savages have used what they have considered as predatory and powerful animals to frighten their fellow man into obedience and submission by setting up religious cults to carry out their diabolical agenda. An example would be to kill an alligator, skin it, cure it’s hide and then wear that skin as if it were their own, the alligator head included, and then introduce them self as the all powerful alligator god to its now completely and totally frightened people, and tell them that if they didn’t obey this god, then terrible things would happen upon their village and its people. To assure that the people would not question or disobey this so called god, they would throw in the ultimate guarantee, a human sacrifice to that god.
Another example is the Minotaur in Greece where it is dipicted with the head of a bull and the body of a man who lived in a labyrinth, or THOTH in Egypt, depicted with the head of an Ibis or baboon on the body of a man.
Throughout histories we have seen part man part animal figures within the religious sect and different cultures throughout the world. This is because of the latent memories that man has with Atlantis during a period of time when Atlantis was in its declining years. Before the declining years the scientist were trying to make certain animals stronger for particular labor tasks to help ease mans burdens. The scientist in the field of botany manipulated plants to increase productivity and the size of certain foods. The Atlanteans enjoyed certain species of animals and wanted such as pets, not all species of animal were friendly so engineering was done to make them so. The same with the savages too in the beginning, not to harm them but to make them more compatible so that they would blend in with the Atlantean society. As Tom previously made referrence to, Scientist in the different fields of study originally started out using energy in a positive way and then scientist started using gene/DNA manipulation in a most negative way. Atrocities occured, malformations appeared which scared man to his core and understandably so, especially to those who were the victims of this experimentation.
We are now at a time in our present day history where the scientist can use knowledge either in a more constructive manner in helping to alleviate man of the many obstructions that have been impinged within his psychic anatomy or follow a path that will ultimately lead to his own demise.
Forrest, I had been one of those experiments gone wrong those many lifetimes ago in Atlantis, and I died from that experiment but not before much suffering. I myself was a scientist at the time and I volunteered myself for a particular transition to be able to live in the aquatic environment. I don’t need to get into the details at this time,(I will another day) but that lifetime presented itself this lifetime, many years ago, and again intervention was necessary so I could continue in this life.
As far as lizard people, any energy form that is malevolent can stay in its own environment, I will not waste my consciousness on it.
It is good to ask questions when presented with an unknown or known. We all have much to learn and offer.
Love and Light,
Greetings Forrest,
I would like to make an addition to my previous reply. It is important to realize that there were long and great periods of time in the Atlantean history where harmony reigned throughout the continent. Back then as is now, the scientist tried to manipulate and or enhance the genetic structure of everything within his environment. He wanted total use of all the environments known to him and to be able to function in those said environments without having boundaries to adhere to. By all means I am not making excuses for my behavior in that lifetime.
As a scientist in that particular lifetime I had previously mentioned, there were no animal parts attached to me. I had tissue combined with mechanical parts put into my chest cavity so as to be able to breathe under water and still retain the ability to function on land. I’ll try to put this in the simplest terms possible. A lung that contained both human and cetacean engineering was grown in a lab environment. My left lung was removed and the engineered lung took its place. My right chest cavity contained its original lung. My neck to had been prepped for the gills that were engineered and was now a part of the respitory system to function both in and out of water. I had implants(chips)as we call them today throughout my body to stimulate the controls necessary to help in the funtion of my new body. No, I did not have a tail nor webbing installed.
With this tissue manipulation the hope was to be able to afford man at his choosing the oportunity to mingle with the different species of the aquatic world for closer study without barrier. My body was being adjusted/altered for both environments. My engineering failed and I died but not before a long period of great suffering.
This lifetime was presented to me when a child. I tried to breathe under water, of course I did not succeed and almost drowned. I did not try that again. Later in life without warning I could not breathe. I could not get a full breath and the pain was beyond discription. Whether I tried to breathe or not the pain was there. I remember undergoing painful test at the hospital on top of the pain I was already experiencing, my parents ever at my side to offer comfort. I remember waking up to find myself in pain, but it was a different type of pain and I could breathe. I had gone through surgery where the left lower lobe of my lung had been removed. The surgeon said he had never seen anything like that before. It was a mass of hard tissue that did not even resemble a lung tissue. The recuperation was long and painful but not as painful as before the surgery.
I again had The Brothers with me in a different forum. I awoke from surgery to see the faces of my parents and an Unarian student, Christine, who was holding my hand. She was working at the hospital where I was a patient. She had informed Ruth Norman who immediately had a reading done, and this is the story I have shared with you. All the details are not necessary, you have a good grasp of what has been told to you.
Christine would visit often and I would awake to her holding my hand and gaze upon her smiling face, and then I’d drift off to sleep knowing everything would be ok.
Love and Light,