“These are the principles of life and you need to listen carefully and follow my teachings”.
This was what was mandated to me when it all started in El Cajon with my self-proclaimed spiritual adviser introducing himself to me. At the time I thought it was very cool to have a spiritual adviser and I greatly admired this one. As time went by and I continued to progress in my studies, problems between us arose or perhaps more correctly, problems arose within me. I realized that I was allowing this individual to tell me how to live my life, what I should be reading, what I should be writing about, what I should be thinking, invading every aspect of my life. His intelligence was superior to mine and I was going to hear his lectures whether I wanted to or not. I realized that I was staring at a massive ego and proselytizing behavior from my past and that I needed to stand up to this, stand up for myself. So I broke the oscillation with this individual and put to bed my proselytizing past. Immediately I noticed a change in my behavior. My writing seemed better, at least to me. I was thinking for myself again, so refreshing.
Recently I have noted a similar reaction within me as I interacted with another individual. I was feeling anger and ashamed for allowing another to bully me around. I analyzed this for several days when one morning upon awakening I realized that although I had quit proselytizing I had not released that old energy from my past. Instantly I felt something lift from me, I felt lighter; I felt the lightness of my being. As I write this now several days later I am reaffirming within myself that I am not here to preach to anyone, or to teach anyone.
I am able to suggest a course of study and a website to visit but it all ends there. My focus is on myself, to heal myself. It is a full time job for me, all I can handle. As for the proselytizers and self-proclaimed spiritual masters, I let them be.
Gary Kainz
Submitted by: Gary Kainz on 11/17/2014
Tagged with: Voice of Venus
Dear Gary,
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. In many ways I can relate. Putting aside ego is a continuous struggle. I have come to realize that all the time I spent with nuns this life (at the Catholic orphanage and parochial school), most of whom were bullies, was because I was one of those oppressive nuns in a past lifetime. Once I worked that out after studying the Moderator’s healing Pulse series when I was younger, I no longer had reactions toward nuns; the anger dissipated. And that was only one of many lives where I realize I have been coercive toward others; I still work on it all the time. When we work these things out using the principles, it’s like having a weight lifted, like floating on air. The way you described feeling a lightness of your being is very apropos; that’s exacting the feeling and it’s so beautifully freeing.
I understand about encountering spiritual advisors (and others) with superior attitudes and massive egos who tend to bully people. I’ve been in similar positions of having others try to control and bully me this life (again, a reflection of what I had been in other lives). You were right in breaking your oscillation with that individual, and I’m sure you received guidance through your studies.
Again, thank you for sharing. Your post is helping me too, because there are many things I need to work on in the area of ego as I strive to progress spiritually. Btw, I absolutely love that blue painting in your post; it reminds me of Venus on the Inner!
Gary, you had a wonderful healing and realization and I am so happy for you!
I,too, love the painting! The blue is stunning, and it reminds me of Solly, a bird of the same color from the inner plane. His counterpart, Sollie is (crystal). I have asked them to fly through.
More Light.
Hi Naimah,
Reading this, I can envision the lovely images of Solly and Sollie, birds from the Higher Worlds. I often see brightly colored and crystal birds when I’m there but didn’t know their names. Thank you and much Light to you as well!
Hello Madilyn and thank you for your comments. I want to be very clear that my most recent reaction here with this energy was mine, my reaction to my past behavior. Like you I have a great past with the Catholics and with that I learned very well about denial. Denial goes deep with me and I have to be careful and stay aware of my reactions. With the denial brainwashing, reactions can slip right by unnoticed. And yes it is so very satisfying to feel the freedom and lightness when successfully concluding a workout such as this.
Hello, Gary,
Superegos are not good teachers!
I really enjoyed reading about your awakening and hope that you will continue to savor the new energy you’re experiencing. I understand “I am not here to preach to anyone…” It does no good. We can share even a tiny jewel of knowledge–and the recipient may need it desperately, but if s-he does not have receptive consciousness, nothing happens. We have more peace when we just let others be, but sometimes, regardless of my current level of understanding, it seems that I should be able to turn a screw in the head a babbler in my presence and that common sense, at least, would flow out.
More Freedom.
As Dr. Norman has said many times, not everyone who claims to be of the Light is of the Light as in “sheep in wolf’s clothing”.
We have to be discerning. As soon as someone tells me that their opinion is what matters and it is all that matters and they do as they do but not as they say then the little red flag in my mind is raised and questions start to pop out as the discrepancies begin to pile up and that may not apply to this situation but it has happened with me many times through the course of my life. At that point, like you, I have to move on to find better company.
You will know a true Master by their humility and not by their wild proclamations that they are better than thou or their brother.
These people have just as much to learn as anyone else – there is no difference. I don’t condemn them and wave a finger, etc. I just understand that like me, they are on their own soulic journey and I wish the best for them.
I have been reading the lesson: “Know Thyself” (An Informal Talk) Part Two from Tempus Procedium, and have read the lesson at least three times within the last week. It says in one section:
“Really, people are not what they think they are at all. You can say scientifically that people are a conglomeration of wave forms of beat frequencies, oscillations in the psychic anatomy and to the people of the world they are very precious to themselves. They have tremendous egos. They are all inflated with all of their own little circumferences, their little citadel of life. But it is nothing; it is but a twinkle in the eye of time. We say as they used to quote, “It’s but a wart on the posterior anatomy of time”. But it is even less than that! So now again, what is all the sum and total of all of these things? Where are we going to evolve to? What kind of a consciousness do we come into? We know one thing, that when we come into any kind of a consciousness we won’t have an ego the way that you do now because there will be no necessity for it.”
This lesson is sooo excellent (but then again, I say that about every lesson by ELN) I highly recommend its review again if you haven’t read it in awhile.
As again, I will say, I am truly grateful that Cosmon has created this site and that it gets better with age.
Hello Naimah,
Yes, to learn to keep my mouth closed unless invited to speak on a specific topic has been a lesson learned over the course of my life. Actually I rather enjoy staying quiet knowing that others have their own lesson to learn in their way and in their own time. I would also like to point out for you and Madilyn that the photo you admire so was picked out by Gatekeeper Tom…he picks them all as far as I know. Thank you for your comments!
Gary, thank you for posting this message. You reminded all of us to focus on our own evolution; we certainly have enough to overcome without telling others what to do and how to do it. Our only help for others is to advise them of Unarius, open the door to TRUTH and move aside to allow the brothers to inspire and guide them. Again, thank you
Well Shirley you said it all again so very plainly. For some of us it is a very hard habit to break, the ego is so strong! Have a great day!
Greetings Gary,
I love to hear/read testimonials such as the one you have kindly shared. This to me is the continuing, never ending proof of how we are able to gage our own growth as we shed layer after layer of our old self.
It is true, that there will be those that come into our lives and for one purpose or another, whether for their benefit, your benefit, or even for both your benefit will expound upon you how they think or feel about something that is pertinent to them, and how you should think, react or not, do or do not do. I know from experience too that if that association is not a pleasant one from the past with that particular soul, then we as students know what can transpire until that issue is resolved. Your posting revealed just that.
Fortunately I was not brought up in a religious environment as you and Madilyn were, I know my spirit would have rebelled as yours had.
Madilyn, Naimah and Shirley understood the content of your posting, and their postings were right on.
Naimah, you brought to mind a saying that has gone around for a very long time (You can lead a horse to water,but you can’t make it drink) this came to mind after reading the following taken from your posting to Gary:
“but sometimes, regardless of my current level of understanding, it seems that I should be able to turn a screw in the head a babbler in my presence and that common sense, at least, would flow out”.
I can not speak for anyone else, but I can relate to what you said.
I believe there is a difference between The Super Ego and Proselytizing as you, Gary, superbly wrote about and in that writing gave a fine example. I express my joy to you in the releasement of those energies you let go of and my joy in the rebirth of a new you that continues to shed these earthly ties.
Love and Light Always,
Hello Lesley
It all seems so simple, keep our own counsel (look within) and refrain from mandating our own views of life onto others. But it is a very deep lesson to learn. It is so natural to try to direct the lives of others in this ego driven world. It is almost as if I have turned everything I have learned upside down. Anyway, it has been great dialoguing with you all…learning together!
Dear Gary,
Bravo! You have attained what I have needed to recognize and achieve over many lifetimes. My efforts to proselytize and give unsolicited advice has been a major drive and major misunderstanding long needed to be overcome. Without the teachings of Unarius, (and Readings I’ve received on this critical issue) I would still be on that spiraling staircase of the Infinite, only headed the wrong way;) To give you an example of how destructive this negative pursuit can be, let me relate a fairly recent lifetime involving the Theosophists.
After years of being with them, I struck out on my own to try to convert people in the middle eastern regions. My attempt was totally futile. I had spent uncounted years to never even make one convert. As a result, the negative, depressed and critical attitude I maintained in old age was hardly a positive regeneration…as you can imagine.
As you say, it is an Ego problem…and the Infinite is not served by forcing our will on others. Glad you posted on this topic…L&L……Ken.
Greetings Mr. Bond
I am unable to tell you how many Unarius books I gave away over the years. How could anyone not relate to such important lifesaving information. I suspect that not one single person read a single page in any of those books. Perhaps a block toward Unarius was created in their energy system by my efforts. Ego, ego, ego…I barely know what is good for me, certainly not for anyone else. It is always nice dialoguing with you and the others.