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  1. deep trouble or misery
  2. any extreme misfortune bringing great loss sorrow; disaster


  1. any abnormal stony mass or deposit formed in the body, as in a kidney or gallbladder or on teeth: see TARTER (sense 2)
  2. Math. a) any system of calculation using special symbolic notations b) INFINITESIMAL CALCULUS


Note: Medical News Today

  1. A calorie is a unit of energy. In nutrition and everyday language, calories refer to energy consumption through eating and drinking and energy usage through physical activity. For example, an apple may have 80 calories, while a 1 mile walk may use up 100 calories. Most people associate calories just with food and drink, but anything that contains energy has calories. One ton of coal contains the equivalent in energy of 7,004,684,512 calories. According to Medilexicon’s medical dictionary, a calorie is a unit of heat content or energy


  1. a constellation between Gemini and Leo; the Crab
  2. the fourth sign of the zodiac, entered by the sun about June 21: also called the Crab
  3. a person born under this sign: also Cancerian
  4. a) a malignant growth anywhere in the body of a person or animal; malignant tumor: cancers tend to spread locally and to distant parts of the body b) any of various diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells that disrupt body tissue, metabolism, etc.: CARCINOMA, SARCOMA
  5. anything bad or harmful that spreads and destroys


  1. a drapery, awning, or other roof-like covering fastened above a bed, throne, etc., or held on poles over a person or sacred thing
  2. a structure of canvas on a framework sheltering an area or forming a sheltered walk to the entrance of a building
  3. anything that covers or seems to cover like a canopy, as the sky
  4. the transparent hood over an airplane cockpit
  5. the part of a parachute that opens up and catches the air
  6. a roof-like projection over a door, pulpit, etc.
  7. the uppermost leafy level of a forest


Note: Wikipedia

  1. The stone church started as a vision in 1797. Spanish padres and the proud Juaneno Mission Indians wanted to build the most magnificent structure among all the missions. They wanted an edifice so majestic and so beautiful that even God would be impressed. History tells us they succeeded. The Great Stone Church, as it came to be called, was man-made, heaven inspired masterpiece. The miracle of the “Swallows” of Capistrano takes place each year at the Mission San Juan Capistrano, on March 19th, St. Joseph’s Day. This Chapel, said to be the most largest and most ornate in any of the missions, now has a more humble destiny……that of housing the birds that St. Francis loved so well. The Swallows take flight again, and on the Day of San Juan, October 23rd, they leave.


  1. subject to caprices; tending to change abruptly and without apparent reason; erratic; flighty
  2. showing wit or fancifulness


  1. a nonmetallic chemical element found in many inorganic compounds and all organic compounds: diamond and graphite are pure carbon; carbon is the basic element in coal, coke, charcoal, soot, etc.: symbol, C; at no., 6: a radioactive isotope (carbon-14) is used as a tracer in chemical and biochemical research, and, because of its half-life of 5,730 years and its presence in all carbon-containing matter, it is a means of dating archaeological specimens, fossils, etc.:
  2. a sheet of carbon paper
  4. a stick of carbon used in an arc lamp
  5. a carbon plate or rod used in a battery of, like, or treated with carbon


  1. producing or containing carbon or coal
  2. [usually C-] designating or of the fifth geologic period of the Paleozoic Era, subdivided into the Pennsylvanian (the Upper Carboniferous) and the Mississippian (the Lower Carboniferous) and characterized by warm, moist climate and vast swamps which eventually formed into Extensive coal deposits – the Carboniferous Period or its rocks:



  1. a person or thing acting as the stimulus in bringing about or hastening a result



  1. any substance serving as the agent in catalysis
  2. a person or thing acting as the stimulus in bringing about or hastening a result


  1. causing sleep; soporific
  2. of, characterized by, having the nature of, or inducing hypnosis
  3. easily hypnotized
  4. any agent causing sleep; soporific
  5. a hypnotized person or one easily hypnotized

Note: TRANCE trance

  1. a state of altered consciousness, somewhat resembling sleep, during which voluntary movement is lost, as in hypnosis
  2. a stunned condition; daze; stupor
  3. a condition of great mental concentration or abstraction, esp. one induced by religious fervor or mysticism
  4. in spiritualistic belief, a condition in which a medium passes under the control of some external force, as for the transmission of communications from the dead during a seance


  1. the act of causing
  2. a causal agency; anything producing an effect
  3. causality/


  1. of or in the sky or universe, as planets or stars
  2. a) of heaven; divine/ celestial beings/ b) highest; perfect/ celestial bliss/
  3. [C-] of the former Chinese Empire-any being regarded as living in heaven


  1. the chief substance composing the cell walls or fibers of all plant tissue, a polymeric carbohydrate with the general formula (C6 H10 O5)x: it is used in the manufacture Of paper, textiles, explosives, etc.


  1. an inertial force which tends to pull an object outward when it is in orbit or is rotating around a center


  1. the force tending to pull a thing toward the center of rotation when it is rotating around a center


  1. grief, sorrow, vexation, to become gloomy (said of the weather) to sorrow< a feeling of embarrassment and annoyance because one has failed or been disappointed; mortification-to cause to feel chagrin; embarrass and annoy; mortify: usually in the passive voice


  1. in certain forms of yoga, any of the body centers, usually seven, that are considered sources of energy for psychic or spiritual power


Note: #1

  1. the bed of a running stream, river, etc.
  2. the deeper part of a river, harbor etc.
  3. a body of water joining two larger bodies of water
  4. a tube like passage for liquids
  5. a) any means of passage b) a course through which something moves or is transmitted, conveyed, expressed, etc.
  6. the proper or official course of transmission of communications/ to make a request through army channels/
  7. a long grove or furrow
  8. a rolled metal bar whose section is shaped thus u: also channel iron (or bar)
  9. a narrow band of frequencies within which a radio or television transmitting station must keep its signal to prevent interference with other transmitters
  10. any path that conducts an electrical signal between two points; spec., a pathway by which data is transmitted between two computers, a mainframe and a terminal, or a computer and a peripheral-
  11. to make a channel or channels in
  12. to flute (a pillar, column, etc.)
  13. to send through a channel
  14. in spiritualism, to serve as a medium for (a spirit)

Note: #2

  1. any of several metal ledges on the sides of a ship used to secure the rigging and keep the ropes free of the gunwales


  1. a distinguishing trait, feature, or quality; peculiarity
  2. the whole number, or integral part, of a logarithm, as distinguished from the mantissa/ 4 is the characteristic of the logarithm 4.7193/


  1. an expert or specialist in chemistry
  2. a pharmacist
  3. an alchemist


  1. the green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plant cells: it occurs in five forms, esp. (chlorophyll a), C55 H72 MgN4 O5, and (chlorophyll b), C55 H70 MgN4 O6: it is to topical medicines, etc.


Note: #1

    1. the anointed, to spread over, smear>the Messiah whose appearance is prophesied in the Old Testament

Note: #2

  1. Jesus of Nazareth, regarded by Christians as the realization of the Messianic prophecy: originally a title (Jesus the Christ), later used as part of the name (Jesus Christ)


Note: Chromosome chromo · some

  1. any of the microscopic rod-shaped bodies formed by the incorporation of the chromatin in a cell nucleus during mitosis and meiosis; they carry the genes that convey hereditary characteristics, and are constant in number for each species


  1. the line bound in a circle, a rounded surface, or an area suggesting a circle
  2. the distance measured by this line


  1. to surround or circle around
  2. to surround or encircle with evils, enmity, etc.; entrap
  3. to get the better of or prevent from happening by craft or ingenuity


Note: Quizlet

  1. the act of governing, of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals, according to custom or rule or natural law, government of a country by its own people, exercise authority over, the study of government of states and other political units, the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something, (government) the system or form by which a community or other political unit is governed, of or relating or belonging to a city, a temporary government moved to or formed in a foreign land by exiles who hope to rule when their country is liberated, bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage, capable of being controlled, the body of people who are citizens of a particular government, direct or strongly influence the behavior of, the social science of municipal affairs, the act of governing, responsible for making and enforcing rules and laws, require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood, the organization that is the governing authority of a, of political bodies.


  1. the hypothesized ability to perceive things that are not in sight or that cannot be seen
  2. keen perception or insight


  1. place to make or become clear and free from impurities: said esp. of liquids
  2. to make or become easier to understand/ to clarify one’s meaning/


  1. sticking together; causing or characterized by cohesion


  1. the fact or condition of coinciding
  2. an accidental and remarkable occurrence of events or ideas at the same time, suggesting but lacking a causal relationship


  1. formed by collecting; gathered into a whole
  2. of, as, or characteristic of a group; of or by all or many of the individuals in a group acting together/ the collective effort of the students/
  3. designating or of any enterprise in which people work together as a group, esp. under a system of collectivism/ a collective farm/
  4. a) designating a noun which is singular in form but denotes a collection of individuals (e.g., army, orchestra, crowd): it is treated as singular when the collection is thought of as a whole and as plural when the individual members are thought of as acting separately b) designating a prefix which denotes a collecting or a collection
  5. any collective enterprise; specif., a collective farm
  6. the people working in such an enterprise


  1. the act or process of burning
  2. rapid oxidation accompanied by heat and, usually, light, as with magnesium
  3. slow oxidation accompanied by relatively little heat and no light, as with a carbohydrate
  4. violent excitement or agitation; tumult


  1. the act of sharing; possession in common; participation/ a communion of interest/
  2. the act of sharing one’s thoughts and emotions with another or others; intimate converse
  3. an intimate relationship with deep understanding
  4. a group of Christians professing the same faith and practicing the same rites; denomination
  5. [C-] a) a sharing in, or celebrating of, the Eucharist, or Holy Communion b) the consecrated bread or wine of the Eucharist; Holy Communion


  1. an advocate or supporter of communism
  2. [C-] a) a member of a Communist Party b) loosely, a Communard
  3. loosely, anyone advocating ideas thought of as being leftist or subversive
  4. of, characteristic of, or like communism or communist
  5. advocating or supporting communism
  6. [C-] of or having to do with a Communist Party


  1. in a comparative manner
  2. by comparison; relatively


  1. quiet satisfaction; contentment; often, specif., self-satisfaction, or smugness


  1. to form in combination; make up; constitute/mortar is composed of lime, sand, and water/
  2. to put together; put in proper order or form
  3. to create (a musical or literary work)
  4. to adjust or settle; reconcile/ to compose differences/
  5. to put (oneself, one’s mind, etc.) in a state of tranquility or repose; calm; allay
  6. printing a) to set (type) b) to produce (printed matter) as by computer, photocomposition, etc.
  7. to create musical or literary works
  8. printing to set type


  1. formed of distinct parts; compound
  2. [C-] designating or of a classical Roman order of architecture, in which the scroll-like ornaments of the Ionic capital are combined with the acanthus design of the Corinthian:
  3. designating the largest family (Asteraceae, order Asterales) of dicotyledonous plants including the daisy, thistle, artichoke, and chrysanthemum, characterized by flower heads composed of dense clusters of small flowers surrounded by a ring of small leaves or bracts
  4. a thing of distinct parts; compound; esp., any of a class of high-strengh, lightweight engineering materials consisting of various combinations of alloys, plastics, and ceramics
  5. a composite plant



  1. means of judging; a standard, rule, or test by which something can be judged; measure of value



  1. a) a clear, transparent mineral; esp., pure quartz b) a piece of such quartz cut in the form of an ornament
  2. a) a very clear, brilliant glass b) articles made of this glass, such as goblets, bowls, or other ware
  3. the transparent protective covering over the face of a watch
  4. anything clear and transparent like crystal
  5. a solid form of a substance in which the atoms or molecules are arranged in a definite pattern that is repeated regularly in three dimensions: crystals tend to develop forms bounded by definitely oriented plane surfaces that are harmonious with their internal structures:
  6. Radio, Elec. A piezo-electric body or plate, as of quartz, used to control very precisely the frequency of an oscillator or as a circuit element in a crystal filter or a body, often of Rochelle Salt, used in a transducer, as in a crystal pickup or microphone
  7. of or composed of crystal
  8. like crystal; clear and transparent


Note: Wikipedia

  1. The cubic inch is a unit of measurement for volume in the Imperial units and United States customary units systems. It is the volume of a cube with each of its three dimensions (length, width, and depth) being one inch long


  1. peak, summit, contr. of columen:
  2. to reach its highest or lowest altitude: said of a celestial body
  3. to reach its highest point or climax; result (in) to bring to its climax; cap


Note: Facts and Biography, Encyclopedia Britannica, Wikipedia

  1. Pierre Curie, (born May 15, 1859, Paris, France – died April 19, 1906, Paris), French physical chemist, a French physicist, a pioneer in crystallography, magnetism, piezoelectricity and radioactivity. He was one of the main founders of modern physics. Cowinner of the Nobel prize for Physics in 1903. Is best known for being a pioneer in radioactive studies. The Curie, a unit of radioactivity, was named after Pierre Curie
  2. Marie Curie, (born November 7, 1867, Warsaw, Kingdom of Poland – died July 4, 1934, France), was a polish and naturalized – French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. Was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. She and her husband Pierre, discovered the elements polonium and radium (1898). She was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903. She won the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

other world70


  1. a circle, a recurring period of a definite number of years, used as a measure of time
  2. a period of time within which a round of regularly recurring events or phenomena is complete/ the business cycle/
  3. a complete set of events or phenomena recurring in the same sequence
  4. a very long period of time; an age
  5. all of the traditional or legendary poems, songs, etc. connected with a hero or an event/ the Charlemagne cycle/
  6. a series of poems or songs on the same theme
  7. a bicycle, tricycle, or motorcycle
  8. [Archaic.] Astron. The orbit of a celestial body
  9. Biol. A recurring series of functional changes or events
  10. Elec. One complete period of the reversal of an alternating current from positive to negative and again
  11. to occur or recur in cycles; pass through a cycle
  12. to ride a bicycle, tricycle, or motorcycle

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