Letters starting with “O”
- hidden; concealed
- secret; esoteric
- beyond human understanding; mysterious
- designating or of certain arts, studies, or practices, as magic, alchemy, or astrology, involving mysterious powers that some people believe can affect the way things happen
- to hide or become hidden from view
- Astron. to hide by occultation
Note: Wikipedia
- a) the eighth day following a church festival, counting the festival day as the first b) the entire period between the festival and this day
- a group of eight lines of a petrarchan sonnet
- any group of eight
- Fencing a position of thrust or parry in which the hand is rotated with the palm up
- Music a) the eighth tone of an ascending or descending diatonic scale, or a tone seven degrees above or below a given tone in such a scale b) the interval of seven diatonic degrees between a tone either of its octaves c) the series of tones contained within this interval, or the keys of an instrument producing such a series d) a tone and either of its octaves sounded together e) an organ stop producing tones an octave above those ordinarily produced by the keys struck
- consisting of eight, or an octave
- Music producing tones an octave higher [an octave key]
- to swing or move regularly back and forth
- to be indecisive in purpose or opinion; vacillate
- Physics to vary regularly between maximum and minimum values, as an electric current-to cause to oscillate
- the act of oscillating
- fluctuation; instability; variation
- Physics a) repeated variation in the value of some physical quantity, as position or voltage b) a single instance or cycle of such a variation
Note: see ozone layer
- an unstable, pale-blue gas, O3 with a penetrating odor: it is an allotropic form of oxygen, formed usually by a silent electrical discharge in the air, and is used as an oxidizing, deodorizing, and bleaching agent and in purification of water
- pure, fresh air-the atmospheric layer within the stratosphere, extending from a height of c. 15 to c. 30 km (c. 9 to c. 18 mi.) and having a heavy concentration of ozone: it absorbs dangerous ultra violet radiation from the sun and serves to maintain the temperature of the atmosphere
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