Letters starting with “E”
- the outer layer of the cytoplasm of a cell: distinguished from ENDOPLASM
- the luminous, vaporous substance believed by spiritualist to emanate from medium in a trance
Note: Wikipedia and Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.
- Born March 18, 1877, died January 3, 1945. Was an American mysticist who allegedly possessed the ability to answer questions on subjects as varied as healing, reincarnation, wars, Atlantis and future events while in a trance. These answers came to be known as “life readings of the entity” and were usually delivered to individuals while Cayce was hypnotized. This ability gave him the nickname “The Sleeping Prophet”. Cayce founded a nonprofit organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment that included a hospital and a university. For more than 40 years of his adult life, Cayce gave psychic “readings” to thousands of seekers while in an unconscious state, diagnosing illnesses and revealing lives lived in the past and prophecies yet to come.
- the self; the individual as self-aware
- a) egotism; conceit b) self-esteem; self-respect
- Philos. the self, variously conceived as a spiritual substance on which experience is superimposed the series of acts and mental states introspectively recognized, etc.
- psychoanalysis that part of the psyche which experiences the external world, or reality, through the senses, organizes the thought processes rationally, and governs action: it mediates between the impulses of the id, the demands of the environment, and the standards of the superego
- country in NE Africa, on the Mediterranean and Red seas: ancient Egyptian dynasties may date back as far as 4500 B.C.; in modern times, occupied by the British in 1882 & achieved independence in 1922: 386,662 sq mi (1,001,451 sq km); pop. 48,205,000; cap. Cairo: official name Arab Republic of Egypt
Note: Biography.com, Wikipedia
- Albert Einstein, born March 14, 1879, died April 18, 1955. U.S. citizenship (1940-1955). Place of birth Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany: Albert Einstein was a German-born physicist who developed the theory of relativity. He is considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for physics for explanation of the photoelectric effect. He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics). He is best known in popular culture for his mass-energy equivalence formula E=mc2. His great intellectual achievements and originality have made the word “Einstein” synonymous with genius.
- the quality or condition of being elastic; specif., a) springiness; flexibility; resilience b) buoyancy of spirit c) adaptability
- Econ. The degree to which the demand for, or supply of, particular goods or services responds to a change in price
- to bring out, lift up< to raise the spirits of; make very proud, happy, or joyful [Old Poet.] filled with elation
- of any or all of the four elements: see ELEMENT (sense 1)
- of or like natural forces; characteristic of the physical universe
- basic and powerful; not subtle or refined; primal/hunger and sex are elemental drives/
- ELEMENTARY (sense 2 a)
- being an essential or basic part or parts
- being a chemical element in uncombined forms-a basic principle; rudiment:
Note: Wikipedia, About.com, Christianity
- Elisha was a prophet and a wonder-worker of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Elisha was the son of Shaphat, a wealthy land-owner of Abel-meholak; he became the attendant and disciple of Elijah, Elisha replaced Elijah as Israel’s chief prophet and also performed many miracles through the power of God. Elisha served as a prophet of the Northern kingdom for more than 50 years.
- a masculine name: var. Ellis
- Bible a prophet of Israel, ordained by Elijah as his successor:
- Ref: Kings 19:16, 19;
- Ref: Kings 2
- to flow out, arise < base, damp, wet > to come forth; issue, as from a source-to send forth; emit
- embryo, fetus, thing newly born, neut. of embryos, growing in < to swell, be full
- an animal in the earliest stages of its development in the uterus or the egg, specif., in humans, from conception to about the eighth week
- a) an early or undeveloped stage of something b) anything in such a stage
- the rudimentary plant contained in a seed, usually made up of hypocotyl, radicle, plumule, and Cotyledons
- expressed, felt, or done with emphasis
- using emphasis in speaking, expressing, etc.
- very striking; forcible; definite/ an emphatic defeat/
- Gram. designating or of a present tense or past tense in which a form of do is used as an auxiliary for emphasis (Ex.: I do care, we did go)
- to shut in all around; surround; encircle
- to contain; include
- to bring about; achieve; contrive/ to encompass its destruction/
- to provide with some talent, quality, etc./ endowed with courage/
- to think of as having some quality or characteristic/ to endow gods with human traits/
- to give money or property so as to provide an income for the support of (college, hospital, etc.)
- [Obs.] to provide with a dower
- force of expression or utterance
- a) potential forces; inherent power; capacity for vigorous action b) often pl./such forces or power, esp. in action / to apply all one’s energies/
- strength or power efficiently exerted
- a) those resources, as petroleum, coal, gas, wind, nuclear fuel, and sunlight, from which energy in the form of electricity, heat, etc. can be produced b) the available supply of such usable resources/an energy shortage/
- Physics the capacity for doing work:
Note: Wikipedia, The Free Dictionary
- In physics, energy is a property of objects, transferable among them via fundamental interactions, which can be converted in form but not created or destroyed. In the physical sciences, an energy transfer or ‘energy exchange’ from one system to another is said to occur when an amount of energy crosses the boundary between them, thus increasing the enegy content of one system while decreasing the energy content of the other system by the same amount. Energy can exist in a variety of forms, such as electrical, mechanical, chemical, thermal, or nuclear, and can be transformed from one form to another
- [Now Rare] to hide; conceal; shelter
- to place or settle comfortably, snugly, or securely/to ensconce oneself in an armchair/
- being; existence
- a thing that has definite, individual existence outside or within the mind; anything real in itself
- a recurrent disorder of the nervous system, characterized by seizures of excessive brain activity which cause mental and physical dysfunction, as convulsions, unconsciousness, etc: see GRAND MAL., PETIT MAL., PSYCHOMOTOR (sense 2)
- the act of equating; equalization
- the state of being equated; equality, equivalence, or balance; also, identification or association
- a) a complex whole/the human equation/ b) an element in complex whole (see also PERSONAL EQUATION)
- a statement of equality between two quantities, as shown by the equal sign (=)/a quadratic equation/
- an expression in which symbols and formulas are used to represent a balanced chemical reaction (Ex.: H2 SO4 + 2Na C1 = 2HC1 + Na2 SO4)
- something that is, or exist; entity
- that which makes something what it is; intrinsic, fundamental nature or most important quality (of something); essential being
- a) a substance that keeps, in concentrated form, the flavor, fragrance, or other properties of the plant, drug, food, etc. from which it is extracted; essential oil b) a solution of such a substance or oil in alcohol c) a perfume
- Philos. a) the inward nature of anything, underlying its manifestations; true substance b) the indispensable conceptual characteristics and relations of anything – in essence essentially – of the greatest importance
Note: essenspirit.com, Wikipedia
- The Essenes considered themselves to be a separate people..not because of external signs like skin color, hair color, etc., but because of the illumination of their inner life and their knowledge of the hidden mysteries of nature unknown to other men. They possessed their advanced knowledge and worked assiduously in secret for the triumph of the light over the darkness of the human mind. The Essenes considered themselves the guardians of the Divine Teaching. They had in their possession a great number of very ancient manuscripts, some of them going back to the dawn of time. The Essenes considered their Brotherhood-Sisterhood as the presence on earth of the Teaching of the sons and daughters of God. They were the light which shines in the darkness and which invites the darkness to change itself into light. Josephus records that Essenes existed in large numbers, and thousands lived throughout Roman Judea.
- without beginning or end; existing through all time; everlasting
- of eternity
- forever the same; always true or valid; unchanging/ the eternal verities/
- always going on; never stopping; perpetual/ eternal rest/
- seeming never to stop; happening very often/ her eternal complaints/
- Philos. Theol. outside or beyond time or time relationships; timeless
- the quality, state, or fact of being eternal; eternal existence or duration; continuance without end
- infinite time; time without beginning or end
- a long period of time that seems endless/ an eternity of waiting/
- the endless time after death
- of or like the ether, or upper regions of space
- very light; airy; delicate/ethereal music/
- not earthly; heavenly; celestial
- Chem. of, like, or containing ether, esp. if mixed with an essential oil
- having a (specified kind of) mind; used in hyphenated compounds/ high minded/
- having a mind to; inclined; disposed
- I have found (it): believed to have been uttered by Archimedes when he discovered a way to determine the purity of gold by applying the principle of specific gravity
- I’ve got it; yes; that’s it: used to express triumphant achievement, success, or discovery
- an unfolding, opening out, or working out; process of development, as from a simple to a complex form, or of gradual, progressive change, as in a social and economic structure a result or product of this; thing evolved
- a) a movement that is part of a series or pattern b) a pattern produced, or seemingly produced, by such a series of movements/ the evolutions of a fancy skater/
- a setting free or giving off, as of gas in a chemical reaction
- Biol. a) the development of a species, organism, or organ from its original or primitive state to its present or specialized state; phylogeny or ontogeny b) DARWINIAN THEORY (see LAMARCKISM, MUTATION)
- Math. the extracting of a root of a given number: opposed to INVOLUTION
- any of various movements or maneuvers by which troops, ships, etc. change formation
- to develop by gradual changes; unfold
- to set free or give off (gas, heat, etc.)
- to produce or change by evolution
- to develop gradually by a process of growth and change
- to become disclosed; unfold
- the act of exhilarating
- an exhilarated condition of feeling; liveliness; high spirits; stimulation
Note: EXPRESSION: ex · pres · sion
- a pressing out or squeezing out, as of juice
- a putting into words or representing in language
- a picturing, representing, or symbolizing in art, music, etc.
- a manner of expressing; esp., a meaningful and eloquent manner of speaking, singing, etc./ to read with expression
- a particular word, phrase, or sentence/ “catch cold” is an idiomatic expression/
- a showing of feeling, character, etc./ laughter as an expression of joy/
- a look, intonation, sign, etc. that conveys meaning or feeling/ a quizzical expression on the face/
- a symbol or set of symbols expressing some mathematical fact, as a quanity or operation a showing by a symbol, sign, figures, etc.
- Genetics the manifestation of a trait caused by a particular gene
Note: EXPRESSIONISM: ex · pres · sion · ism
- an early 20th – cent. movement in art, literature, and drama, characterized by distortion of reality and the use of symbols, stylization, etc. to give objective expression to inner experience
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