I am in the midst of a major reliving and workout. For the past two months, I’ve been feeling under the weather starting with a fungal infection of my hands and feet and then a lack of appetite. It has grown into a severe condition including stomach pains and nausea that has sent me to the hospital and the doctors as they, even now, try to determine the cause of my ailment. I have developed an itchy rash on my chest and neck, find it hard to eat and have lost 30 pounds in two months with no energy to do even the slightest things. It feels like my own stomach is poisoning me.
I’ve been busy trying to isolate and workout the true cause – the various past life experiences and their associated misaligned vortices in my psychic anatomy that feed this distorted energy into my body.
It has seemed to me, that the Atlantis cycle is in phase. Black riots and discontent in Ferguson, seem like continuations of the discontent and rioting that took place on the outer islands of Atlantis. The popular culture has in many ways mirrored the snake cults of that period. The decadence that had appeared in Atlantis with genetic modifications and with a desire for changing genders, and more is mirrored in some of today’s efforts to create ‘non-binary’ genders, ‘other-kin’ and be something other than human.
I had been given a reading when I was 7 years old that said I had the ‘yoke of guilt and karma’ to overcome regarding these genetic experimentation, even though I was not a victim, I could have stopped them in my own way, but didn’t. I felt that some great being had to do that – not me.
For the longest time I tried to figure out what my role was in this affair. I came to realize that the genetic modifications were being facilitated by the Atlantean power tower. No one wanted to grow new species from scratch or wait for modifications to their anatomies. The power tower had the technology and speed necessary to beam these modifications into place. If people wanted a mane, the genetic codes and data would be fed into the computer and the hybrid data for merging it with human cells was all encoded and the power tower would simply beam these changes almost instantaneously into place, modifying their anatomies.
Naturally, many thousands were used as fodder to ‘perfect’ these experiments. Many died nearly instantaneously from shock or other side effects of this ‘body modding’. The psychic structures of these individuals didn’t support these changes, and so the best that could be attained was a slow degrading of the people’s health.
Yet, many Atlanteans didn’t care or didn’t understand the risks. They wanted the changes and these different labs advertised their modifications with the same ruthlessness that today’s pharmaceutical companies hawk their wares.
I believe at this time I was an official whose oversight included the power tower and I could have denied the power tower to these scientists and their experimentation. I didn’t and countless souls died horribly. I have a feeling that the remote islands were used for harvesting test subjects and this added to the resentment of these provinces and their desire for revolution and taking over Atlantis. We see now protests about people feeling ‘expendable’ and that they feel they are treated as worthless compared to other citizens.
I feel I let it happen, in part, because I felt these people were somehow not behaving infinitely or as a true Atlantean should and I biased them.
Now, I reap the feedback of this action and find myself around doctors and hospitals that seem incompetent or disinterested in curing my condition. Feedback is no fun. If one lets others perish while focused on protecting oneself or one‘s position, one will encounter people with the same mindset in the future.
There are other cycles I feel are also in phase right now, including the Catholic Inquisition. The Pope has been in the news a lot and I know I had been a victim of the inquisition, losing my toes and fingers. I suspect this was already a measure of feedback from Atlantis.
I now wish to free all the souls who are still chained in any way to the ignorance of my past actions. I have learned a lot since those days and the biases I held which kept me isolated and with a sense of superiority.
Since I haven’t found relief yet, I am assuming I have not yet found and worked out the root cause of this cycle. I’m hoping the Brotherhood will work with me in giving me any insight or inspiration.
Submitted by: Science Fan on 12/03/2014
Tagged with: Voice of Venus
Dear Science Fan,
I wish I could help you by tuning in to whatever other cycles might be creating those conditions you are experiencing. However, I as yet don’t have those skills. But it does sound like you are on the right track with Atlantis. My guess would be that there is some specific past cycle still where you were more directly involved in the experimentation, rather than just being an Overseer of the Power Tower….but of course that’s just a feeling.
Here’s hoping you find whatever that true source is. It’s good to have another student on board. I’m certain we all wish you success in overcoming those issues.
My kind brother or sister,
After reading the post, I felt something that I found hard to determine at first. The Power Tower provided energy that was then used for many needs. The Tower itself could not be used for these experiments, it just provided energy and its design was safe to the world’s populace, until the dark ones caused it to blow. But, downstream, its energy could then be tapped and manipulated by appliances that could alter genetics using radiation. I could relate to the genetics portion of this but most importantly I had a fear, and a really powerful one when I read the post. It was an instance from Atlantis where I was involved with Towers and issues with genetics.
Something kept telling me “this just isn’t right” about the post, but that was a voice from my past speaking, a voice I was ignoring, and that fear was literally nauseating and wouldn’t go away. I realized that I was reliving being blamed for Tower side effects (to cover something else up perhaps like an accident maybe?) and therein the fear. More so, I felt we both may have been at odds over this situation in the past, perhaps blaming each other? The nausea vanished the moment I saw this and I let the realizations rest since I was not getting any more details and didn’t want the conscious mind to fabricate details.
I’ve always suffered from a fear of being accused and this posting/reliving was of tremendous help to me. I really thank you for cooperating and bringing this up and letting me see a part of myself I had not seen.
Greetings Science Fan,
I found your posting most informative and would like to thank you for the in-depth descriptions which you were able to bring forward and share with us.
If I may, and if you not think me intrusive, I’d like to offer the following.
We’ve ALL had our share of inflicting, but we must be equally aware that an ailment can occur within us from something done to us by someone or something else, or by observing an event being implemented, or by you yourself (self inflicted) and so on. Try not to press yourself too hard for long periods of time while trying to zero in on a past life episode. Sometimes pressing too hard for an answer can build a hard energy barrier. I find that just realizing that something is astray within me is a first step in the right direction to healing and a start of changing the frequencies because I have recognition that something is not right, and then I start to analyze further, and if nothing comes to me right away,I don’t push it further because I realize I’d be forcing my physical will instead of letting my Spiritual Higher Self come through with the help of the Brotherhood to tune me into what I need. If the need is of great importance I will eventually receive an answer.
We do our best to figure out these past of our making and the roles we played which have followed us into our present. With the never-ending help of our dear Brothers of the Lighted Realms we are overcoming, so please don’t discourage because in the effort and in the trying you are changing those lower frequencies to a higher, therefore changing or cancelling as you go. As you already know, you have set up what you will resolve this lifetime so do not be impatient. It has taken many, many, many lifetimes to get oneself in the predicament that we find ourselves and it is taking us many, many, many and more so lifetimes to change the direction and frequency patterns of our psychic structures.
You had mentioned,”It feels like my own stomach is poisoning me”. That is a powerful statement. Have you analyzed that remark? Even if you don’t see a picture or get an answer, you are helping to change that frequency (energy wave form). You may not have been consciously aware at the time of your statement that you were actually tuning into a past that had to do with your current condition, but that is OK, it is a prime example how subtle these things can come in.
The fungal infection you mentioned on your body. Have you given thought about the word Leprosy? Many of Rome’s returning soldiers from Asia had contracted the bacteria that caused this condition. These unfortunate soldiers who had contracted the disease had been in close contact with those Asians who were carriers of it. These same soldiers were in charge of putting the Lepers in an isolated colony on the outskirts of town. They made sure none escaped to mingle once again among the peoples. These soldiers saw the horrifying effects of that disease and the misery and pain it caused upon those souls. The soldiers feared the Lepers conditions and in their ignorance and fear mistreated them. When those soldiers who had been in charge of this Leper colony (I’ll insert here that not all the soldiers who were in charge or had been in contact with the Lepers contracted the disease)returned to Rome and when symptoms of Leprosy started to manifest itself in some of these soldiers in outward appearance they were isolated just as had been those in Asia. They too were shunned just as they too had shunned those in that far away foreign land. ( I noticed you had in your posting mentioned toes and fingers) These soldiers remembered the ravages that this disease did to the human body and spirit, the horrible disfigurements, the losing of fingers and toes and so on until death released the poor wretched soul of further torment. The fear compounded with this disease was too much for some soldiers and they had their fellow companions give them peace through the use of sword while some used poison, others went the way of the disease to their end.
Let your analyzing flow smoothly and with each little or large bit of recognition it is but one step closer to your healing whether it be all in this life or in another or more. Your dedication in effort and applying the Principles will be your lifeline of turning those energies, those distorted vortexes within your psychic body into beautiful, radiant, pulsating vortexes of Light, where in a future time you’ll no-longer display upon your physical the ravages of what you now experience.
Love and Light,
My dear kind sister Lesley,
As I read your most beautiful reply, I was taken up by it and, before I knew it, I was no longer reading the words but hearing them inside, and reading them through different eyes as if I was another being, something very hard to describe. Then, I suddenly saw what I can describe as step bleachers made from a marble material, it was like seating in an open air amphitheater similar to ancient Greek theaters. I was sitting on one of these seat steps wearing a robe and gazing forward. In front of this amphitheater, there was a slightly raised platform and there was your higher self speaking and radiating to us with arms open and reaching out, radiating in a violet blue like color. I say us because I only saw myself but know that someone else was there, I just couldn’t see who it was.
The voice and teachings, which was all mental, was so kind and soft, gentle, patient, loving, sweet, it touched every fiber of my being, and I didn’t want it to stop, it immediately got me all mooshy inside . . . but stop it did unfortunately 🙁
Thank you for sharing this energy with us … it was an absolutely wonderful and beautiful experience that lasted a good five seconds if not more … thank you brothers for sharing with us an infinite universal articulation–love.
In love with Love,