Well, herein is the lesson that I needed to integrate.
I did not integrate within me the how and why of my ability to see a soul(s) fade in or out upon his or her arrival, or sitting upon a bench in a classroom, or walking and talking while strolling through a garden on one of these Centers. And another thing of importance is that these buildings can and do accommodate thousands upon thousands of souls at all times and yet there is never overcrowding. When you look around you see that a soul just faded out and another took that space instantly, and this same thing transpires non-stop. I talk about frequency relationship all the time and yet this one slipped by me.
I’ve spent who knows how many thousands of years in classes upon these Beautiful Worlds of Light and continue to be humbled by how much I do not know. Believe me….it does take thousands of years to go from one level to the next, and remember, there are thirty three on these particular Seven and each level vibrate in unison with the Seven so that you will not go to a frequency you are not compatible or familiar with. I’ve digressed a little…..anyway that fading in and out was that soul vibrating to a level to where they need be for instruction, healing, or whatever their need be at that moment. They are vibrating from one Center to the next, from one classroom to the next, etc. via frequency(dimensional) relationship.
Well, I finally had a complete recognition of the whole and it was instantly integrated within my consciousness. There is no limit to the frequency spectrum. The harmonious interplay in these Spiritual Realms is beyond my being able to put into words at this time, but I can assure you, that as I write these words, I’m seeing colors that ride these frequencies that I have no word for. When I had that integration recently I felt myself move forward in a way that made me very aware of another door within that Mansion of our Father. When I am ready and worthy I’ll step through that door into something new and exciting, this I do know for I have had a glimpse of what is beyond and it has been promised me.
It must be mentioned that while in conversation with this other student, it was He who triggered the integration within me. He does this from time to time and I understand that this has been set up from the Inner by He and I. This is important for not only now but for the future that is to come. It is this same student who greets me often on the Inner Worlds of Light, and then we turn together, take three steps and walk into this Pure Radiant Light. I have not seen beyond this Pure Light that we step into, but I’m sure without a doubt that it is a most Beautiful and Wondrous Realm. When I am ready, I will see.
With all the Love and Light that I have, I bestow it unto this Dear Brother of Light.
Submitted by: Lesley Heininger on 03/28/2014
Add your thoughts, insights, or comments below.
Tagged with: Voice of Unarius
Lesley, to read this was an inspiration for me and helped with my own understanding of frequency relationship, and the way the Infinite is constantly regenerating and all is interrelated. I have had glimpses of the inner worlds and look to the day when those glimpses are are fully developed visions. Thanks for sharing!
Dear Lesley,
Your post on Integration is fascinating, inspiring and beautiful!…I’m happy for your realization!
I wish I had something to offer you as confirming comments, but I don’t yet have the frequency to oscillate that high…but I LOVE hearing about it. In fact all those experiences on the Inner any student has, would be a pleasure to hear and learn from. The Brothers communicate with me in consciousness, but I have never yet had the opportunity to view the Inner worlds.
My problem has been my Material rather than Spiritual focus. As an Earth person, I worked for the Fallen Ones, whose objective was control of the planet and the people. My involvement in those materialistic endeavors and helping implement those ‘garbage’ controls has served to block my spiritual development. If it were not for the efforts of the Normans, my frequency would still be plummeting!
Your realization was of course a stepup in frequency for you. Also, three cheers for that fellow student in assistance, and I am sure that your efforts here on the Unarians United board are likewise helping move you closer to that special Door on the Inner. Again…just keep doing those Infinite things you do, and when you finally do get through that Door…just remember… to leave it unlocked:)…..Infinite Love and Infinite Light Always……Ken
Greetings Gary,
Thank you for your response. I’m glad that the posting helped you in whatever capacity was needed, that is what this site is for, to help each other connect the dots, fill in those spaces, to be able to be in a position to give and to receive with the help and guidance of The Brothers of Light through the Studies of The Unarius Principles.
Your glimpses of the Inner Worlds bring joy to a heart that understands the pleasure one gets when viewing these Beautiful Realms of Light. That glimpse is but a taste, a prelude of much more to come.
Love and Light,
Dear Lesley,
That’s such an amazing and transformative lesson on integration, thank you so much for sharing it! I’ve long had difficulty fully grasping the integration of frequency relationships on the various levels of consciousness and the Higher Worlds. Every time I think I understand how it works, I come to find out I know very little at all. Your recognition of the harmonious interplay in the Spiritual Realms and the vivid way you described it all creates a pictorial guide that’s very helpful to me. I can feel the warmth of the energy vibrating in the various colors of the paragraphs as I read this on the page. It is all energy and light.
As I read here about the beautiful pure radiant Light and our dear fellow student who triggered the integration within you, I am transformed and lifted to that place on the Inner and the feeling is joyous. Thank you for sharing this joy and love! I am so happy for your step-up, so very well deserved! Each student stepping up helps another as we are all one in the Infinite.
I have visited Centers on the Inner where colors, both vibrant and muted, were beyond the limited color spectrum of the earth plane, so I have some idea of the color frequencies you were describing. And yes, how to describe in mere words colors we cannot even conceive here in this dimension, and only glimpse in our sojourns to the Higher Worlds. Lesley, all your descriptions are just so rich, so beautiful. Your words are like a ray of brilliant sunshine!
Much Love and Light to you,
Greetings Ken…..I am always happy to share with those of what I see just as I am happy to receive from others….and so please don’t ever think that you have nothing to offer as confirming comments on something posted, because that is not so. Just because you don’t consciously remember seeing these Inner Worlds with all Their brilliance does not mean that you weren’t there or haven’t been there. We bounce at any instant all over the spectrums of frequencies for whatever particular purpose is needed.
This must be stated. Just because I have the ability to see (attune) to these Beautiful Worlds of Light or other abilities I may have to attune to frequencies of the past or other things does not make me any better or less than any of the Unarian Students. It does not make me any better or less than the non-student of the studies of the Unarius Principles. We are ALL brothers and sisters of the Infinite and we will come into our own at our own choosing.
We are ALL working toward the day when we can walk among the stars again and let loose this yoke of the terrestrial frequency that we ourselves put around our necks. When we as students work together in harmony then we realize that some have, through many many lifetimes have been able to develop to a degree more of what eventually all will develop. Until that time of their conceiving and integrating these particular principles of frequency within them self, these students should take advantage of the ones that have developed and can oscillate on that level whatever that level may be.
To simplify it as much as I can it is no different than this earth worlds educational system of firt grade through twelfth grade and so on. Certain requirements must be met and are necessary before going to the second grade (level) and so on.
We ALL have something to offer! When egos are set aside the frequency runs smooth and we can ALL hop on and ride.
Ken…my garbage can too at one time had been so full the lid would not stay on….it is a gradual process of eliminating but I see it going away.
How fortunate that I am to have been brought to a particular time where Four Beings of Light graced this earth plane at the same time! How blessed am I that the frequencies that These Beings of Light brought with Them and shed upon this earth whereby I could drink of Its nectar and continue my healing, education and destiny. I have taken that advantage They have offered me and I drink often and fully.
I look often to your postings…and you can bet that that door won’t be locked, we ALL have the key, we just need to know the combination …don’t we…and I have no doubt that we’ll be greeting each other. Those that play well together travel together.
Love and Light Always Ken,
Dear Lesley…Dear Sister,
What a wonderful reply to my comments. Thank you! I know you are correct in everything you said…it rings totally true.
Also, your new understanding which put together the bigger picture of why and how students on the Inner fade in and out makes sense too. This timeless/spaceless dimension of the Inner gives one pause.(especially me) You spoke of integrating the whole concept of the unlimited frequency spectrum and the harmonious interplay of the Spiritual Realms. This too coincides with Dr. Norman’s discussion on frequency relationships and harmonic structures. It really pushes one to be able to envision and understand this transition of energy in the linkage of the Great Universal Infinite throughout these numerous dimensions. All these cycles and characteristics in each dimension, like ‘fading in or out’, are definitely cool!
You are also correct in saying I don’t consciously remember my times on the Inner Worlds. I feel sure it is because if I could, and could see Past Lives and the source of people’s problems, I would be FORCING that information on them to try to help them. I’m truly still a bit of an idiot in that area….but I’m learning;)
I have to say, Lesley, I really like your personality…you’re nice. (Though you really shouldn’t brag about having only one garbage can to us multiple canners;) Thanks again and may Love and Light surround you always!……..Ken
Greetings Madilyn,
I know so very little….hec I’ve just begun my journey outside the cradle I climbed out of the other day. I’m but a spec among many specs on the same journey and am glad to be in the company of some of these other specs traveling the same way!
That was just a baby step in integrating within me some of the many facets of frequencies and their applications that are being taught to and yet to be conceived by me.
I will share part of an email that I had sent shortly after my integration with a lesson in frequency relationship that was very necessary in order for me to progress to the next level of my schooling. This was to the student that triggered that integration and here is part of that correspondence that I sent…..I don’t think he’ll mind my sharing part of that email…..
Ever since our last talk I’m being ever so gently made consciously aware of why it is so important for me that I integrate solidly what I am being taught about frequency relationship for future use and its application in relationship to the harmonics necessary to help change negative frequencies in the human body to a more positive frequency. This also includes being able to see and use the color spectrum of these frequencies in the healing process, along with being able to attune to the frequency of that person and follow to where a negative experience was impinged. I am now able to distinguish different shades within colors and am also seeing colors of a different spectrum that seem new to me that I don’t have a name for. These are colors of a frequency that I was not aware of before.
Madilyn…..I realize the importance of that email I sent to this student. I needed to see that I am only given at any moment what I can conceive and nothing more. I am not able to skip over any part of that foundation that I am slowly building, for if I do…then that foundation will not be solidly built to withstand my future evolutions. There must be no holes in the motar (frequencies)which hold that foundation together.
You’ll appreciate this….while I’m typing….Blue Spheres of Light are dancing all over my fingers and the keyboard. I know you can feel me grinning from ear to ear as you yourself experience this often.
Here is a part of my life I want to share when I was a teenager and hopefully it will give a better understanding of what I am trying to convey.
One of my brothers and I used to tune our guitars by sitting across from one another face to face. Say for instance that my brothers guitar was tuned to where it need be and that I needed to bring mine in tune with his…..he would begin plucking rapidly a string on the guitar and I would follow suit on my guitar plucking rapidly the same string as his in unison with each other while simultaneously with my other hand I tweaked the key to that string we were plucking up and down until our two guitars resonated in harmony the same frequency. Not only could you hear that these two guitars came in tune with the other but you could feel the vibration of that unity vibrate on the guitar and in your finger on that string. In my case I could also see the color of that particular frequency. The more the guitar came into tune…the more pure and radiant the color….the smoother the frequency that the color rode and radiated. The harmony was there.
This is as basically at this point I am able to get at how I see people and feel the frequencies of people. I attune to their frequencies….( there are some that I don’t want to mingle with ) I must be very very careful for I am still learning. I must not open that back door!
Madilyn….thank you for your comments which help me realize the importance of studying these principles is of vital importance. Your words of: “Every time I think I understand how it works, I come to find out I know very little at all”. How wise that statement!!!
Love and Light,
Dear Lesley,
If you are but a spec, then you are a spec of shining positive light! I really appreciate that you shared that part of your email with our dear fellow student. As I was reading it, the thought came to me that your love for and great skill in the medical profession can be directly attributed to your preparation on the Inner and the way you’re gradually acquiring knowledge of the integration of frequency relationships in the healing process. It seems to me that you are a future spiritual healer in training, if I may phrase it that way (when I go on the Inner, I often feel that I’m in classrooms preparing to be a teacher in training for the future). The same is true for all the students, all of us preparing for now and for the future. Somehow (as you and I have discussed) everything feels accelerated since the new cycle began.
Only being given what we can conceive at any moment and nothing more is so true. Thank you because that’s an understanding I needed as well. Sometimes I feel as though I might want to “skip ahead” in my learning but then I come to realize how little I really know and how important every tiny step is in our development. I like the way you wrote, “There must be no holes in the mortar (frequencies) which hold that foundation together.”
Lesley, I love the story you shared of how you and your brother would tune your guitars until they were both in harmony, and how you were able to see the radiant color of harmonious frequencies even as a teenager. The way you are able to see auras and attune to the frequency of others is really amazing and a lesson achieved through much study and advancement (and over many lifetimes). You know, very few living on the earth plane can actually do that. Really, it’s quite cool!
Yes, I can feel you griming from ear-to-ear as I read about the Blue Spheres of Light dancing over your fingers at the keyboard (and reading about it made me smile!). Thank you also for your kind words on my comment.
Much Light and Love to you,
Correction above: I meant to write “grinning” from ear-to-ear 🙂
Greetings Ken,
As far as forcing past life information on people…..yep that is a difficult one for sure. (I did that once or twice and finally learned not to repeat). With the studies I know not to do that even though I at times want to burst out and let loose. So…from the idiot who actually did it to the future idiot who is thinking about it….move over…make room.
You too have a personality I like….and I Inwardly know that you are a dear soul both kind and gracious. And about that garbage can….that’s funny! I have to keep watching myself and be ever on guard not to add.
Your postings are both Insightful and delightful and I look forward to each and every one.
Love and Light Always,
Dear One – Your visions and realizations of the Infinite Principles in operation and the conceptions you relate have served to stream attunements in my mind in profound and connected ways – ways that have shown me a living, breathing stream of beautiful visions embodying the true root of the teaching of Unarius and the Moderator!
Your words invoked concepts within me that pulled together years of study. Most importantly it concerns the individual Superconscious Self. My mind envisioned a long montage of images – images that brought into focus the fact that ALL we perceive as reality is a mirror image of the Higher Self! Even as we live our lives in the lower earth domains, made real by the five senses generated to sustain a physical body, it is the continual result of the Infinite force within us. The Superconscious or Christ Consciousness is the force that determines our reality at any moment or dimension in which we find ourselves – higher or lower. There is nothing outside ourselves individually as we experience life. And as we view our surroundings as something to master or learn that is then impounded as a spiritual evolution, we develop and realize a higher and higher responsibility to express more of the Infinite internally in order to fulfill our true purpose!
The wondrously vivid pictures showed how the great inner temples with their central Flames were really all of the souls (literally millions) combining their Higher Selves in the Flames themselves, and as the frequencies alternated they changed color and intensity!!
It is of course an inadequate description as my imperfect and meager mind glimpsed it’s great beauty and purpose which revealed an Infinite Love. It was shown that as we walk through the cleansing energy fountains as described in the books of Unarius, that it is actually our individual Super Self that surrounds us and changes the dross energies into a union with our own Infinite Self! A Healing that truly changes the person for the better – engendering wisdom for future challenges. The more advanced souls who reside in these higher astral worlds assist our own Higher Selves in this endeavor, but there is no intercessor or outside force that we experience as we develop in our spiritual evolution – ALL reality is made real and fabricated by our internal perceptions of the Higher Self alone.
I realize that others might perceive these things differently, and that’s how it should be. We all come to these understandings from our own internal and changing reality, as the Superconsciousness dictates. It becomes the Life Force in an eternal compounding of energy information that eventually helps to sustain Infinity itself. The Being becomes, over an endless evolution, an essential Gog in the framework of the ever expanding Infinite Intelligence. One might say – Of course these principles are what we are studying, and I agree wholeheartedly! However, this stream of visions transmuted me into a new reality! It became as real as my physical house or car or other energies expressed in this limited band of third dimensional realities!
This expansion of realities was triggered by your words and helps me to realized how important it is for all dedicated students to enter into this universal conservation as our dear sister is doing. We all are helped by the realizations and relating of other students who are also pursuing the transcendent joining of spirit.
For, as you described your vision of turning and walking into the bright light, I realized that the Light was indeed Your Superconscious Self, and that you were being introduced to your future endeavors and connections with this Higher Self – and at present is undefined in your relationship with this positive future – Thus it appeared as a great unknown and brilliant presence! The Psychic Self walking down the higher astral lane is your self as you know it at the present, what you have connected to the inner life and sustains you and which is filled with all your past and present hopes, dreams and challenges from your past lives. The great light you perceived is your future where you are learning and being preconditioned to ascend into a new mental state and connection whereby you will be ready for these future endeavors and experiences in one of the celestial mansions beyond, and unrecognized by you as reality in the present. However, the Light represents Hope, Love and a promise of unity and a oneness that represents the Infinite Mind in Your Christ Self!!
This is a great realization for me. But what is so wonderful; it is what all of us are or will experience as Lesley is so describing. We all have our own Superconsciousness sustaining this great infinite evolution and transmutes all realities and dimensions into a life lived in an Infinite Consciousness – working in a vital participation and unity with the greater Infinite Mind!! This is our future if we so wish. It is the promise embedded in each of our Higher Selves.
This is so beautiful, it’s like each description puts me there. I rarely see these worlds, but the sights and teachers one never forgets. The vision itself, how it’s seen, who’s there, it’s but a brief moment for me, but yet I feel drenched in energy, knowledge I can’t fully resolve in human terms any time soon, for each answer leads to even more questions than before. The Light I’m bound for, and it’s all that matters. Someday … over the rainbow 🙂 Thank you, brethren, for your inspiring words of Light.
Greetings Madilyn,
Thank you for your kind words and the never ending encouragement that you so eloquently put into words. The poet is in you for sure!
You are preceptive indeed in so many ways Madilyn, but I am not surprised and I know you are not either.
Love and Light Always,
Greetings My Dearest Brother,
It is proven time and time again the validation one receives when one conceives these Principles. You have often stated to me, “Where more than one are gathered”. Those six words have so much power. This site is gathering, the energies are here, and we all are reaping the benefits. Tom,I’m literally beside myself with your perception of, “ALL we preceive as reality is a mirror image of the Higher Self!”. That statement is something that I had struggled with for many years and NOW it has clicked within me! A principle we know well….you must give before you can recieve.
The words you spoke in response to my posting carried such tremendous energy that I found myself completely overwhelmed. Tears ran freely from both love and joy and I found myself transcending and ascending into and through a Flame of the most magnificent beautiful color imaginable. The Flame radiated at first all the colors of the Seven Centers that I know of, and then that flame intertwined all these colors together and then I ascended into the most beautiful Pure Radiant Light I have ever seen. I finally felt at home, a peaceful feeling came over me, a completeness and assurance that will carry me on to whatever lies before me. I realize that this is just one of many many more integrations to come and I thank the Brothers always and most humbly for Their never ending guidance and ceaseless love.
I feel I am in the very beginning (stage) of my birthing into my Higher Self, the cycle is here and that is what I have been feeling for some time, the quickening of my Higher Self, the speeding up of cycles.
I want to thank my Brothers and Sisters on this Site too. You have helped me in so many ways by your postings and the Love and Light you have generated through those posting… love to each of you always.
Love and Light Always,
Greetings Roberto,
The descriptions you read are real! I love your use of the word rainbow. I see us as all striving to be brilliant pulsating rainbows. I know that feeling too of constantly thirsting for more answers and like you sometimes I find myself impatient. I’m thrilled that you felt the energies from this posting, how could one not!
Everyone that has posted to “Integration” knows of the truth that had been stated and the powerful energies that that posting carried.
Love and Light,
On April 21st Tom’s response to my posting of “INTEGRATION” and the words he used carried with them so much more than I had at first realized. He had brought into this third dimension a Lesson directly from a Higher Dimensional Classroom and transposed it onto the Site for all to learn! (He had actually brought that classroom into this dimension)! The enormity of that realization was almost overwhelming!
He was sharing a classroom session of which I am most grateful. Here within is one of many reasons why I’m so grateful….it helped me complete a part of my education in Integration. The Brothers knew there was more that I needed, Tom was that Channel to bring that information in.
There was something about Tom’s response to my posting that I felt the necessity to print out a copy. I carried that copy everywhere I went and read it over and over. I was continuing to Integrate what I had posted on the Site and what Tom had posted, my and Tom’s postings were intertwined! I had received the first lesson from my posting and Tom brought in the second half.
Tom also benefitted from my posting and his as well. He was able to Integrate within himself those Concepts from many years of study concerning the Individual Super Conscious Self. As he said, “he was transmuted into a new reality”. This is a pure example of give and receive, the Principles in action! Perfect alignment and attunement!
Love and Light,