The motto of Unarius is ‘Love in Action’. My difficulty with this, is how to do it…infinitely. In the past, I have always tried to put positive spins on situations. For instance, if someone is angry or frustrated about something, I usually laugh and try to show the humorous side of the situation for them. This I think is okay, but when I puff up someone’s Ego to make them feel good, or try to give them a more Infinite picture in answer to their anger or frustration, I feel I am crossing the line. Also at my work, many times politics and religion (no-no’s in the workplace) are being brought up by a few extreme types to a captive audience of the bunch of us. I feel I should speak up, but what would be the best way?
My question is: what is the more Infinite way to handle such workplace situations, and also on a day to day basis, what are some of the different infinite ways to put ‘Love in Action’? I feel I need a better approach and would appreciate your thoughts!…..Thanks…..Ken.
Submitted by: Ken on 05/19/2015
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Tagged with: Cosmon Corner • Voice of Hermes
In recalling some things from my studies, the first thing that comes to mind is to do unto others what you would have them do unto you. The second is “Judge not lest ye be judged”. I try to see the Infinite in everything. After all we are all part of God. Who are we to judge? Everything has a purpose in this infinite regenerative panoply of life.
“Love in Action” to me is this never-ending regeneration of spirit and recognition of this Spirit in all things- Infinity. I can’t and won’t judge but understand that everything has its place and if I’m in some situation then I am there for a reason as I know energy repeats itself and I am energy. If I’m in what I perceive to be a negative situation then it is my perception that needs to be changed like you say – turn the negative into a positive. But since everything is relative I can’t judge what is good or bad and say this applies to everyone else. In other words, this I judge to be bad and now everyone has to agree with me – that would be limiting myself and forcing everyone else to limit themselves as well, as there is no good or bad in the Infinite. There is what just “is” and its kinda up to me to learn and understand in a continuing never-ending process what “is” is and how to move forward in this “is-ness” in a progressive evolution.
But I also don’t think we are capable yet of true “Love in Action” as I don’t think 99.9% of humans on this earth really understand what “love” is. Dr. Norman said “love” is a complete understanding of ourselves as infinite creative intelligence. Once we get that then we can truly “love” others; until then, I consider most “people” hypocrites who profess to “love” but don’t have a clue as to what “love” really means. I just don’t think people should kid themselves that they are really capable of and know what true love is. We are all beginners here including myself. Instead of starting at the top, we need to start at the bottom. First let’s try to be selfless rather than selfish. At least that’s a start. That’s how I would answer your question. My views don’t apply to everyone else – this is just my view – just to make sure that’s clear but I hope in some way this helps.
Dear Gloria Lynn,
Thank you for sharing so many ideas on the topic. What resonated most was the “Judge not lest ye be judged”. In thinking through the workplace situation, I realized that the reason I was judgmental about others preaching to a captive, resistant audience was because that is what I have done! When I first discovered Unarius teachings, I foolishly pushed those concepts on my employees. I didn’t realize that everyone couldn’t understand them. So, I didn’t really help them, and deservedly got it back at this time. Lesson learned! Thanks again…Ken.
Greetings Ken,
Politics and religion in the work place is never a good idea period, people are too reactionary. Anyone, at any moment can turn volatile in their frequency and lash out at the unsuspecting.
In the military it is forbidden for a soldier to discuss religion or politics while on duty, at their work station, and while in uniform. This is a good idea because, if this policy was not in effect and enforced, then there could be some personnel that would normally work well together for the benefit of the unit, but now because of such diverse opinions with each other no-longer function together in harmony and therefore causes a breakdown in the environment that they need function together in.
Usually HR has that same policy in effect for the work place.
I never had that problem at my work place Ken, but if I had, and someone asked my thoughts, and because sometimes I don’t know when to keep my mouth shut, I would reply with this:
Politics and religion remind me of food. There are some items of food on a menu I would order and have brought to my table because they sound delightful, and I know they are delightful for I have tasted them before, and I know I’ll be satisfied from partaking of them. There are other items of food that I would not order nor have brought to my table because I have tasted them before and have found a dislike for their flavor. Politics and religion are on my do not order list.
Ken…you…are…already putting “Love in Action”, each and every day of your existence! Whether you realize it or not, you are a conduit that’s channeling energy to those around you, and you don’t even need to say a word.
Love and Light,
Dear Lesley,
When I joined the military at age 19, that was the age of most of the guys in my basic training unit. I don’t think most of us knew enough about politics and religion to even intelligently discuss it! 😉 So, it is interesting to hear that it is forbidden now. It does make sense, as you say.
I do like your menu concept, but since I worked that out in recognizing that it was only my previous actions which I was reacting to, I have no problem in simply speaking up. But I will store that idea unless I slip back, or enter a new version of the cycle.
Many thanks especially for reminding me of the Conduit Concept! It is all to easy to get involved in the day to day stuff and not ‘Tune-Up’. That’s the real Love in Action way, instead of personalizing. Love and Light to you Lesley!….and Thanks….Ken.
Elle: “God created us, then we messed up. God got confused, so he sent his son to see what was going on down here.” (Elle, obviously one of the people of the anthropomorphic god, was sincere.)
Na’imah: (AWARE she HAD to say something.) “God, confused?”
Elle: “Yes, totally?”
Na’imah: “Confused. Then, why do you worship this Imperfection?”
Elle: (No response)
Na’imah: “And, the True Truth is that God is not a man. There is no son.”
Elle: (No response; no expression of rejection.)
Na’imah KNEW that she had to say something to Elle, whom she had known a long time, and often in their relationship, had chosen not to respond to Elle’s religious beliefs. But, now, it didn’t matter how her expression would be received. She wasn’t trying to change Elle, or teach her anything; Elle was responsible for her own evolution. But in that moment, Na’imah HAD to speak, having been motivated by Love. It was “Love in Action.”
If we are attuned to the continual oscillations of Love into our Minds, we can consciously direct it to one’s needs. No matter where I am, who I’m communicating with–and I’ve had such experiences as Ken related, on my job–I sometimes get angry about other’s expression from dark ignorance; there’s so much of it. However, I try to remember that all of us are individuals at different places in our evolution, and that really helps! I feel that we can’t really express “Love in Action” until we understand what Love is.
In this Community, there is “Love in Action.” And INDIVIDUALITY!
Dear Na’imah,
When you wrote “But in that moment, Na’imah HAD to speak, having been motivated by Love. It was Love in Action.” It is this common thread of being inspired from the Inner which agrees with the others who have posted. That to put Love in Action…infinitely, as I was asking, is to function by Infinite inspiration. It isn’t a certain practice or designated type of Love in Action activity which I was expecting to hear, but I know being inspired is correct!
You also wrote, “If we are attuned to the continual oscillations of Love into our minds, we can consciously direct it to one’s needs.” Again, this is not my normal approach. My life has been mainly filled with goals and objectives…not nearly enough functioning by inspiration. Therefore, to function more by Inspiration…will be my new goal! (smile)
Thank you Na’imah!…..Ken.
That is a very good question Ken. To me ‘Love in Action’ is the teachings of Unarius. I believe that the Moderator incarnated on this planet to express that very same concept – He demonstrated every day the meaning of that phrase, wherein He always attempted to convey the Infinite Intelligence in positive healing energies and knowledge expressed from an advanced wisdom. He impinged the transcendent healing energies from the Higher Worlds with every word he spoke and left behind for the benefit of anyone who recognized the clear and concise teachings He brought. So, in my opinion, if we are to express true ‘Love in Action’ then we would do well to follow His example.
About speaking out about these things: I think we should not set a particular rule about saying or not saying something. Because we are students dedicated to overcoming our past (that is turning a negative past into positive energies within our psychic bodies) we automatically start to become a point of Light that radiates within our aura, and grows according to our understanding, which is a result of working out our past negativities. This enables the Higher Brothers to work through this radiation in order to help others around us – it is not something we should try to control consciously. And if we are inspired by the Brothers to say something, then we should follow our small still voice (which is where the Brothers sometimes speak to us) and speak the words to those who are seeking. This way we start to become conduits or channels automatically. Of course, we must always be discerning and not be drawn into argument – that is a ploy by the Dark Forces who wish to make us react by going through our own back door.
To give an example in which probably all of us have experienced: Many times when in a restaurant with another student or two and we are talking about the teachings and principles, people would actually come over to us, all excited and say ‘We heard you say something about other spiritual worlds or you said something about reincarnation. Would you tell us more? Many times, I became conscious of almost all the patrons straining to listen in on our conversation. The principle of ‘When two or more are gathered’! I felt like we were in the TV commercial ‘When EF Hutton speaks, everyone listens’. Ha Ha
The Moderator always said that this Science is structured as an individual endeavor. Each of us are attuned to the teachings with which we in ourselves are concerned with overcoming and different from all others. However, as we progress, we become a much clearer channel to incept our Higher Self directions. So in the end, I think we should just let our Superconscious decide how to proceed and keep our conscious mind (which is our Ego) in a passive state.
Dear Cosmon,
AMEN!… to all of the above! The Moderator is definitely the best ‘Love in Action’ example to follow. His entire life was spent in actively bringing in Love and Healing Energies to this dimension, and for those who are ready.
Your advice, “Just let our Superconscious decide how to proceed and keep our conscious mind (which is our Ego) in a passive state.” answered my question. It is interesting that the other students had it right as well. So, you EF Hutton type people have another listener in me. (smile) Love, Light and Thanks for the Input! …..Ken.
I would like to express a few words concerning “Love in Action”.
I believe you have to Love Yourself First before you are able to give love, to know when you are receiving love, to know how to demonstrate love, and to be able to see “Love in Action”.
This is what I have conceived from my Spiritual awareness. “Love in Action” has no limit in Its applications, it is we who have limited ourselves in Its application for lack of understanding our Spiritual connection with the Infinite.
Love and Light,
Dear Lesley,
I always love to chat with you because you consistently bring me new awarenesses. Your concept of Loving Yourself first is one which I would love to have you expound on more if you wouldn’t mind. I have come across that idea before, but have disregarded it, because it seemed too much like Ego.
The idea you express about Love in Action having no limits totally makes sense. Since Love is the Infinite (the Superconscious to us), when we oscillate at that level, instead of being reactionary (more my normal state);), then we’re sort of like television sets with our antennas tuned in to that powerful Love! The result is we are then putting Love in Action each and every day of our existence! Whether we realize it or not, we are a conduit that’s channeling energy to those around us, and we don’t even need to say a word.
Did I get that right? You see I did listen to your words. Seriously, Lesley, if you wouldn’t mind, I would really like to better grasp that Love Yourself idea. Thanks for all the input….the Love in Action process is much clearer. Love and Light to you….Ken.
Greetings Ken,
Of course you’ve come across that idea before because it makes perfect sense. Ego has nothing to do with it. Now it would be ego if you stood in front of a mirror and kissed your image that was reflecting back and said something such as, ” I love me, I love me so, look how loving I am”. No, instead you as I, and I’m aware of others who have recognized and integrated within themself the difference between spiritual love which is ALL encompassing and given equally to ALL at all times, and physical love which is just that and is conditional. This spiritual love is within us, we just need to hook-up with it. You have to connect with the spiritual part of yourself(superconscious) which is part of the Infinite Itself. The Infinite is love in ALL expressions.
I love myself because the Infinite is love and I am part of the Infinite, so therefore how could I not love myself. We are made up of energy, everything is energy, therefore love is energy, and that is why the Moderator stressed time and time again, that it is of vital importance to conceive what energy is and how to apply it, for this is how you will be able to work your way out of the physical worlds and into the spiritual worlds.
Ken I too learn from your comments, they help reinforce within me to file tenderly what I learn.
Love and Light Always,
Dear Lesley,
I can see that I’m going to have to stop with my mirror practices. 😉 Thanks for responding back. I do indeed now see what you mean. I have always interpreted that ‘Love Yourself First’ expression from the physical standpoint, instead of the spiritual. Really, it is another aspect of the correct way to put Love in Action!…. from the Superconscious!
My Infinite Thanks … Love … and Light … Ken.