If one reading my past comments on Flying Saucer Landings on earth would conclude that I am opposed to Space People or Spaceships, they would be mistaken. In fact, that is how I originally came to this earth many thousands of years ago. I relived this in my early twenties where I had to have a huge cist removed from my outer skull. (The operating doctor said the growth appeared to be like some ten-drilled mechanism).
I was a member of an advanced planetary system of people who traveled to foreign systems exploring the various populated planets This was later confirmed by the Brothers. We came in a spaceship and made a base on the planetoid Pluto. We did not wish to disturb the indigenous inhabitants – so I was sent incognito with a device implanted that would transmit the information my brain was registering to my comrades on Pluto. Many of us have lived on numerous other earth worlds according to frequency relationship and the biases in our psychic anatomies.
Submitted by: Tom Miller on 08/21/2013
Tagged with: Voice of Venus
Dear Tom,
I have never thought you were opposed to Space People or Spaceships. We have lived with them in many past civilizations. In fact you were one of them yourself…per your own above admission…!
Before the Center in El Cajon was established, I recall the first time I got together with you and the other students at Ruth Norman’s home. Ruth seemed determined to have you show me where that cyst was removed from the top of your head. You were somewhat reluctant and it seemed a little strange for Her to push it. This became a clue for me, however, that She would try to get others in phase with their past, but also to involve and include Herself…a polarizing healing force.
In my opinion, Her part of the Mission was primarily Healing. Dr. Norman had produced the curriculum needed to help anyone progress. The difficulty with the Healing process is recognition. Students, like everyone else, can not see their own problem areas and limitations. The Mirror Principle demonstrates this perfectly. So to get them in phase in order to workout, She spent 20 some years creatively working to that end. The whole space thing, as root causes of many conditions, had to be brought out. To attempt to force it on the outside, however, misses the prime purpose which is the healing of the student. By the way, am I now part of Pluto’s Academy? :)……..Ken
Hi Ken,
I too have always looked at this as a working out process. As Dalos, Ensat, and the many other advanced beings Ruth was, She was made a laughing stock, a joke, a puppet, etc., by us and by the nucleus. Now in a way as energy goes full circle and we get what we dish out, we are now the laughing stock, the joke, etc. It doesn’t feel very pleasant does it? I feel some of those so-called vicious letters She wrote to some of the students is also Her reaction to what we did to Her in those pasts. We reap what we sow. At least this is how I look at it. Viewing it from that standpoint makes me realize how wise a being She is. This negative karma had to be played out. It had to be recognized. That was the energy. If we can learn from it and become more humble beings (and not do it again because it tastes bad when we are on the receiving end) then at least perhaps we can move a little more forward in our evolution. But I can’t speak for anyone else -rephrased; maybe I can move a little more forward in my evolution. Thanks for bringing forth this realization Ken.
Dear Gloria Lynn.
As you say, “to move a little more forward in our evolution” is what it is all about. My problem was that I couldn’t believe myself to be a ‘Negative Force’, and so, wasn’t making much progress. To assist me out of this rut, Ruth sat down with me privately, to show me the result of my past actions. As I sat with Her, my mind suddenly became very clear. I felt like my IQ jumped 100 points. As I turned to describe to Her what I was feeling, I was shocked in a way, to see that Her face had taken on the impression of one who is retarded! It was as if we had reversed our positions. I was seeing Her, as She (at Her level of intelligence) was able to see my condition. It was only a matter of seconds this lasted, but never to be forgotten.
Uriel, known as the Healing Archangel, was just that. To a student who is a little slow, I guess She had to make it pretty obvious at times. But it worked. I then started to analyze just ‘How’ I could have become a negative force, and as a result, retarded myself. I discovered it was my acts of forcing (regardless of intent) my ideas on others, which was my problem. She had named me the Coordinator previously, and now it all made sense. When you block, limit or control the thinking or actions of anyone, you retard them, per Dr. Norman.
So, again as you say, “We reap what we sow” is really true…and daily we need to catch ourselves ‘in the act’ of our digressions…in order to move a little more forward. We are very fortunate to have this website… and each other… to keep our focus on the pathway.
Love and Light to you always Gloria Lynn…..Ken