So quiet…
my vision scans incredible hills
Lightly stippled with thoughts of climbing.
What’s there?
More lessons to learn,
and questions,
but no disturbing doubts,
no crippling fears.
I am the flame in the lantern,
safe from the wind, the rain,
the storm they can become;
fog, the misty nuisance,
does not dissuade but amuses my trust.
I have surrendered…
to The Inner Light!
That’s what I do
and write about,
calling it “moving on”.
I am the flame in the lantern,
created, regenerated,
inspired to tasks greater than uselessness.
Submitted by: Naimah on 08/09/2017
Tagged with: Voice of Venus
Having a clear vision of what I desired before posting The Flame in the Lantern, I attempted, unsuccessfully, to find an image reflecting the Inner Light, so I submitted the poem without it.
Also, as I was posting, I deleted the line, “I have Friends, Friends in the Light”, from the last stanza only because as it was written, I did not like the flow. When the poem appeared here, surprisingly, so did the image that I desired…the beautiful, golden, glowing one you see, and it was added by one of my Friends in the Light. Thank you, Roberto!
Peace, Love and Light,
About a week ago, I awoke around 5:30 a.m. thinking of this poem and a verse that I couldn’t remember but knew that it had a message, a kind of reminder for me. It wasn’t important that I immediately review the poem to determine which verse, because I was aware of its beautiful, comforting presence within. At times during my daily activities and difficulties, I saw myself on a journey with a glow emanating from my body.
It was just moments ago that I returned to the totality of the second verse…to greater comfort and joy…soothing peace.
Love and Light,