Healing comes in many ways. Sometimes it is quick and subtle, and sometimes the process takes years (like discovering my own unrecognized ‘finite’ character flaws).
Dr. Norman’s Teachings bring out the ‘Infinity’ of everything! They help us gain understanding and make sense of our lives. To me, it has been a major recognition in discovering that we are all a developing part of God (the Infinite)!
For way too many lifetimes I have been judgmental and critical of others, (as well as myself). I didn’t recognize, nor understand the ‘infinite’ ongoing process and amount of time necessary for spiritual development. I didn’t realize that mistakes are a necessary part of growth and that trial and error are part of the Infinite’s Plan. It was a case of Ego, ignorance, and lack of compassionate understanding on my part.
But for all of us in Unarians United, there are probably different Teachings which have meant more to us, and helped to keep us on that Infinite Pathway. Those experiences I would love to hear about! So, in the spirit of learning from each other, and benefiting any future students, please share if you will, any of those Teachings which have been especially important to you.
Thank you … Thank you … Love and Light! … Ken.
Submitted by: Ken on 10/27/2015
Tagged with: Voice of Venus
My kind brother Ken,
As I read your submission, I wondered what it might be like for us all to gather in a room and share … we might never take a break or leave 🙂 In the sharing is learning, and as the old saying goes, from listening comes wisdom and from speaking understanding and repentance 🙂
I think the biggest eye opener I’ve had is a vision of my physical awareness, a miniscule Infinite expression, the tip of a soulic iceberg, part of a soul whose steer master is dimensionally aloft and the body is an “encounter suit” for select and planned experiences to be learned from and worked out. Ever since, I see life as a learning experience to progress spiritually and nothing of this earth is as valuable. Our devotion to love and light is our inspiration, music to our souls, the true breath of life and the healing of solitude. The problems, wants, fears, offenses of this life vanish for they don’t matter as much as the true guiding life in spirit. The ego is there, it wants to be pampered, served, raised up, make us slaves to its desires, but that’s not why we live, we live to progress, not serve an illusion 🙂
My dear brother, so thankful for your reflections and inspiration for us to open up ever more. Let love be always on our lips and mind.
Dear Roberto,
Thank you for your thoughts. I totally agree that if we were all gathered in a room and shared experiences and understandings, we might never leave! (smile) Can you imagine the Synergy that would be created, since we have so many pasts together? Glad you are making so much progress with yourself … L&L … Ken.
Love and Light, Ken,
Like Roberto, I thank you for your inspirations and reflections!
As I read your post, I got a view of where I am now as well as a reassessment of the requirements for me to reach this evolutionary station. I want it known that for someone living in the negative polarity, I’m in a most beautiful place like the flower that knows itself in the garden!
I have learned much from the Unarius Teachings: how important it is for me to assume personal responsibility for my soul’s evolution because there is no other way to bring it about; that I am an expression of the Infinite Creative Intelligence; and becoming a conscious expression, I am aware that it is vital to continue striving, studying the Unarius Principles, to have that ongoing infusion of the Light, the Peace and Love, that Higher Intelligence in order to evolve from this dark, three-dimensional cell into that inevitable home on the Inner Planes of Light.
Dear Na’imah,
How right you are! It’s all too easy to forget that we have to assume personal responsibility for our spiritual progress, and not feel like a victim. A great Teaching! The way you expressed it reminded me of that example where if you point your finger to blame another, there are three other of your fingers pointing back at you! 😉 … Love, Light and a Future Bright … Ken.
All of Dr. Norman’s teachings are extremely important but some of the principles which have been the most life-changing for me are as follows in no particular order:
* Everything is energy – nothing dies or is destroyed as it is eternal therefore we as energy beings don’t die but are eternal.
* As Na’imah has also pointed out – there is no intercessor. No one is going to grab you by your hair and place you on a higher world. This you must do yourself with dedication and hard work starting with becoming acquainted and putting into practice the principles in the Unarius liturgies.
* There are an infinite number of dimensions any of which are available to you now based on your attunement and ability or to grow into as part of your awareness or spiritual evolution.
* Understanding the very fabric of reality – energy, EMF, frequency and harmonics – how things interplay with one another interdimensionally and how we as energy beings fit into this interdimensional schematic.
* The gratitude and peace of understanding as we grow as this Science represents a new life in a new world – a literal transcendence of understanding which will elevate you literally thousands of years forward in your evolution – one that has never-ending hope and promise.
I could go on and on as there is much much more but for now these are just a few.
Dear Gloria Lynn,
How can one not agree with all of those understandings?! What you said about the gratitude and peace of understanding as we grow toward life in a new world … sort of hit home. It’s true! There is definitely a feeling of peaceful confidence in knowing where we are going, what we need to do, and that we are on the right track with the Unarius Teachings!
Love/Light to you Gloria Lynn … Thanks for sharing! … Ken.