Just a few minutes ago when I finished my post under “Relative Motion and the Vortex,” I paused, staring at my computer because there was a deep silence in front of me, not behind or on either of my sides. My inner question was, “What’s happening?” Then a huge man in an egg-shell colored robe appeared on my right side; he stands there, still, looking down at me as I type this, touching my shoulder, smiling. Now he lifts his left hand above his head, and his robe changes to a beautiful royal blue with white trim around the sleeves.
“Know this,” he says. “You are not alone, even in this silence.” I look to my right for him, because his presence is intense, though I know he’s on the Inner Plane. Then I get up to turn the heat down, and I feel myself walking through him!
“Continue,” he says when I sit back down. “The time will come…” (And simultaneously, I get his explanation for his use of the word time.) when there will be much to do here.” I see people cheering behind him; they are coming down on winding paths that turn around great hills. At first, it was dark around them, now there is Light glowing from their bodies and I am seeing color in their clothing and skin. There are adults, children, bright white sheep, and fledglings flying above all of them. On the Inner Plane they can fly! All are rushing toward The Community. The man next to me, waves as he seems to be drawn back into his realm.
I want to share that in November, I was aware of energies projected to me from one of the Healing Centers on Venus. I could see myself on a cot with about 7 or 8 people around me, wearing white robes, telling me what to expect. When the projections started, I saw myself descend to a lower room, and that was a room in my house, where I was relaxed on my couch, receiving the energies!
These things, my Spirit Friend wanted me to post. There’s more, but not now.
Love and Light
Submitted by: Naimah Combs on 02/10/2015
Tagged with: Voice of Venus
Well, the silence that was here has passed! It’s wonderful to hear all your voices again!
Most beautiful experience 🙂 We’re never alone, in time or space, are we?
No, we’re not!
A few weeks after I made the original post here, I began to feel exhausted and stopped studying, though I did visit the Community when I felt a need for the energy frequency I always enjoy here. When I picked up a Unarius book to read, I would put it aside because I was “tired”: I observed myself being so and doing nothing for quite a while. It was strange. I surrendered to the ongoing shift and simply rested in the Life Stream, trusting and waiting to reach the new frequency; it took about eight weeks. During that time, I read other books that I was attracted to, like some among the classics and the contemporary The Hunger Games Trilogy.
Just a few days ago, I became aware of the new frequency and saw that I had put out-of-phase a past-life experience I’d been reliving for a long time, though during the “exhaustion,” I had no knowledge of what it was: “The constant shedding of old restrictions of mind is what allows the higher harmonics to regenerate within your psychic anatomies and to gradually expand, adding new Intelligence into your own awareness of life, and providing you with a greater ease in functioning in harmony with these universal principles of energy which we have so constantly endeavored to make available to you.”
In this experience, I marvel at the Love of the Brothers, their Magnificence, their Light, their Promises…I acknowledge my gratitude for the healing and, so, I “Speak, then, your own rededication within your mind to carry on through all seeming barricades, self-created, which would have you cease your journey unto this Awareness and we shall respond by adding our healing energies unto your own desire for change.”
Dear Na’imah,
Congratulations on the healing and the resulting new frequency from working out a difficult past-life experience. From your original post, I wonder if that Healing Center experience on Venus perhaps triggered it. When you described those 7 or 8 people around you projecting mind energies to you, it reminded me of when Dr. Norman spoke about protection. He gave two examples, as I recall. One dealt with envisioning constabulary, where Light is being projected to you from the Inner. The other was envisioning a ball of white Light over your head, and seeing it weave a constantly moving cocoon of dynamic energy…completely around you. This latter one I’ve found is an energizer, besides providing protection.
I love your words when you wrote, “The constant shedding of old restrictions of mind is what allows the higher harmonics to regenerate within your psychic anatomies and to gradually expand, adding new Intelligence into your own awareness of life, and providing you with a greater ease in functioning in harmony with these universal principles of energy which we have constantly endeavored to make available to you”
Thank you for posting…..Love and Light Always…..Ken.
Yes, Ken, the healing experience with the 7 or 8 was the trigger!!!Thank you for reminding me of the constabulary and of the white light. I’d forgotten, but won’t again. Envisioning them will become part of my practice. The quotes that I used came from Ruth Norman’s BIOGRAPHY OF AN ARCHANGEL.
Love and Light