We now continue with the expose’ of our wonderful prodigies, part2 – Souls who are giving us a glimpse of our future. As we watch them express a Higher standard of consciousness, our own souls soar to new heights, wherein the fantastic and unbelievable creative potentials await us in our own future – a future where we will also contact within our Superconsiousness the Infinite possibilities that earmarks the mastery of self!
Dr. Norman’s teaching is a promise of such wondrous expressions if we stay steadfast to our own overcoming, making it possible to learn of and participate with Infinite Intelligence – expressed from an Interdimensional Perspectus!!
Again – Many of the videos are not spoken in English, however, our purpose is to focus on the actual talent they display. Please enjoy!
Bella, a 4 year old from Russia – She proves that she speaks, reads and understands 7 different languages.
Tsung Tsung – 4 years of age from China, Pianist
Cleverest Children
Adora Svitak – 10 years old – a Chinese descendant from Seattle WA. Writer, Poet and Speaker.
Adi Putra – 9 years old from Kuala Lumpur, Malasia. Mathematician, Marketer.
Ainan Celeste Cawley – 8 years old from Singapore. Chemist.
Note: The reporter seems to be locked into the established idea of how children should learn and interact with others. He has a difficult time in understanding the future educational methods.
Justin Yu – A 7 year old amazing young Cellist! Chinese descendant.
6-Jaxon Coda – 11 years old, Mathematician. He was born with a partial hearing loss. In spite of that, he was accepted into Mensa at age 8.
Jacob Barnett – 12 year old Mathematician is interviewed with his parents by Glen Beck.
8-Jacob Barnett at age 12 giving a lecture about learning vs thinking (Forget what you know). Very profound talk!
Akiane Kramarik – Self taught Artist, Poet and Composer. Now 19 years old, she began having visions at age 4 and maintains that Heaven is real.
This video has Akiane being interviewed by various hosts when she was at different ages! – Remarkable!
Tagged with: Voice of Muse
So absolutely inspiring! If this doesn’t prove reincarnation and inner learning, I don’t know what else. People should become more aware that this should be the norm in our evolution, the next step beyond, not repressing but rather encouraging child expressions and memory recollection with a strong impetus on inner/prior expressions such that “life becomes a sort of ESSAY of previous expressions.” Thank you, my dear brother Tom, for letting us absorb this wonderful message of how the Brothers work with and inspire us through our evolution. We are certainly moving in a positive direction 🙂