Autumn Morning
The rustle of fallen leaves beneath my feet,stir within me memories of
past, present, and tomorrows to come.
I close my eyes and inhale its crispness deeply,
the early autumn morning of my life.
That frosted leaf beneath my foot, its time spent,
plays its sweet note with the rhythm of time,
and with each stride I make through these sweet notes,
I too will blend with that rhythm.
As the seasons come and go, its rhythm blends yet another note,
and it sings a mantle that covers and protects all that will slumber beneath,
until that time and moment when awakened once again
by the sweet note of a golden ray.
I, too, when that moment comes, will slumber beneath a mantle
for but a brief note,and then will I awake within a golden ray,
its rhythm sweet beneath my feet.
Love and Light,
Tagged with: Voice of Muse
Hello Lesley
Great music, a beautiful photo and inspiring words to start the new day, and a new year!
Gary Kainz
Greetings Gary,
Thank you, and yes a New Year is upon us once again.
Love and Light,
What a wonderful way to start 2015…beautiful pictures and wonderful poetry. Thank you for sharing ..Have a Happy and Peaceful NewYear.
Greetings Shirley,
Thank you, and I reciprocate your Happy and Peaceful New Year.
Poetry is such a beautiful way to express, this I can not deny and would not.
Love and Light,
Lesley Dear – As you know, poetry coming from the inner self inspires a language that touches deep into the pure recces of Infinite completeness for me! A Love beyond this world! It is one of my most favorite expressions. It becomes a tuning fork filled with the most high attunement. It becomes a form of channel-ship that awakens us to the love of creation! Thank You for this.
Dearest Tom, Greetings,
Oh yes….I do know your love for poetry is very much an integral part of the very essence of who you are! Of course, this is only but one of many facets that comprise your being.
I’ve read many of your poems more than once through the years, and as you, I truly appreciate what I know to be channeled from the Higher Self.
Often I find myself composing verse on an Inner Plane while sitting on a bench or walking on a path that intertwines through beautiful gardens and even as I am just arriving. There is no cessation from one place to the next and the scenery is always inspiring. I am never alone for ever present during these moments are others such as; Shakespeare, Keats, Shelley, Robert and Elizabeth Browning, and yes, the list goes on and on.
I can actually hear each soul composing (their thoughts) at the same time my composing is going on, and yet I find myself not one bit confused. We are all connected in that way, and yet we do not take each others words (thoughts) so to speak, but we do share each others energies. We each inspire the other just in the simple act of composing a poem, sonnet, play,verse, etc.
Tom, I see you often in these gardens of Light composing too. Of course you already know this.
The music with video, and picture of the waterfall you chose for me are beautiful. The love you put into your selection was instantly received by this one, and I thank you with my Love and Light Eternally.
Hi Lesley, I will echo Gary and say too, thank you for lovely music, a lovely peaceful waterfall scene, and an inspiring poem to start a new day and a new year with.
Greetings Gloria,
Your echo has been heard. Your poem, ‘In My Garden’ was and is beautiful, and this new year I’m looking forward to more inspirational verse from you too.
Love and Light,
Dear Lesley,
Anyone who can bring in inspirational poetry and prose of this level has to give us more! It’s really beautiful and creates a wonderful mood. I’m hoping you have Summer, Winter, and Spring Creations just waiting to come in.:) Thanks for sharing… and may Love and Light fill your New Year…..Ken.
Greetings Ken,
I’m glad that you enjoyed. I believe that my growing up in a country setting, in a state as beautiful as Vermont, helped inspire and attune me with the arts which had a lot to do with my love for expressing in verse. There were great poets such as Robert Frost that came from the North East region of this country.
My parents bookcase contained two huge volumes of poetry. Between those old leather coverings were the works of Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) one of my favorites, Elizabeth Browning, and the list was endless. I was a ten year old who fell undeniably in love with those books and continued to lose myself in those pages through the years.
Ken….I did not care for Poe’s works then, so I never finished reading his work. Well guess what…. three years later in ninth grade an assignment was given where we students had to do a paper on Poe. We were to read his works and choose which one was our favorite and why. My paper was simple, I stated this: At ten I started to read Poe’s work and found it too dark and therefore refuse to subject myself once again into this man’s mind. My English teacher responded in writing on my paper with this: You fail recognize one of the worlds great poets of all time but I’m sure you will not fail to recognize the grade I have given you on this assignment. She gave me an (F). I handed the paper back to her at the end of the class and with written word I responded: The grade of (F) on this assignment bothers me not in the least, but your failure to put the word (to) between the words fail and recognize in your sentence bothers me greatly. The look on her face was priceless. She and I got along great from that day forward.
Ken, I know you will appreciate this….Mark Twain is among those that I see strolling ( I use this word with him because that is the gait that best describes his movement ) and he too is busy composing.
I see that you are quite the poet yourself! Voice of Elysium, ‘ALTARS”. Your light heartedness is refreshing and very much appreciated….I love it…keep it coming.
Love and Light Always,
Dear Lesley,
Good Lord Girl…what an incredibly fantastic revelation about composing on the Inner! How totally cool to share energies and thoughts with those on Muse in the creative process. The harmonious frequency of all involved, must somehow combine synergistically, to bring in or reach even higher energy levels of creativity. It’s a very exciting concept to envision. Thank you for sharing that!
It is fun to picture Mark strolling and composing, I hope some of his off-color language he used now and then didn’t bother or distract you in that combined thought process.:) I also wonder what he does without his trademark cigar in hand. He used to claim he needed some vices, because if he was too pure, and a serious health issue arose, he would have nothing to ‘give up’ in order to get well. Always the lovable rebel.
And speaking about rebels…that was pretty gutsy in your response to your ninth grade English teacher. You are braver than I would have been. You stood up for your understandings in resisting to be subjected to that lower frequency…and it worked out totally in your favor in the long run. Good show.
As you can tell from the responses to your prose and poetry we all love it! So keep ’em coming Kid!!!…..Loving the Light you are shining…..Ken
Greetings Ken,
Synergistically is a well chosen word by you, of which I am not surprised! You are very much attuned to the harmonics of frequency relationship.
Dr. Norman has stated,’that where two or more are gathered’. Well that applies on The Inner too!
In your wonderment about Mark’s cigar in hand, I’ll put it this way. When recognizing what I knew to be Mark by his frequency pattern, all that had been he in that life was with him. When one sheds their flesh, they still retain within their psyche all the experiences of that life they just exited. If there happened to be a particular vice as we may call it, that person enjoyed, then they will still imbibe that vice psychically until they eventually learn that they no-longer need it on these Inner Worlds. The energy will still be there, but will continue to change in its frequency until it is no-longer a significant need and eventually be a whiff, no pun intended, of memory which no-longer has any significance. Until then, if that soul such as Mark still enjoys his connection that he had with a cigar, then he can actually exude that smell but one must be in such a frequency in order to pick that up.
Here in the physical I’ll get a whiff of sweet smells such as floral, and sometimes but not always along with a particular fragrance will be a beautiful color too, and I’ll feel an embrace of love about me and through me.
Ken, I had asked my English teacher if I could turn in a paper on another poet and was told no, that we must take assignments as they come and to deal with it. So I did deal with it in the way that I knew I had to. Mrs. Hill was one of the dearest teachers I had the pleasure of knowing. She retired two years later and shortly thereafter made her transition. But before she had retired, in those last two years she gave her students the choice of choosing the poet of their choice to write about and found that in giving to her students that freedom, she reaped rewards right along with them.
Love and Light Always,
Dear Lesley,
Thank you for the additional enlightening reply! I thoroughly enjoy all the insights you provide. It is nice to know that Mark’s smelly cigar doesn’t affect others unless they are in that frequency as well;) Also, from the Normans I had heard about signature aromas which Higher Beings emanate, but not the beautiful colors and their Embraces of Love which you felt surrounding and oscillating through you….yet another poetic enjoyable description.
Personally, of the Seven Centers I’m probably biased more toward the scientific expression. My wife, like my granddaughter, LOVES poetic expression and wishes many times that my constant frequency-laden descriptions of Principle had a little more romance or philosophy in there. Though they won’t say it to my face, but I think they feel I’m a bit Nerdy in that area;)
Lesley, Nice Job on straightening out Mrs. Hill and I have to say that your comments always produce more questions which could go on and on even further off the topic of your original ‘Autumn Morning’ post….which was in a word….Great!!
Thanks again for the insights!….L&L…..Ken.
Dear Lesley,
The lyrical words and beautiful imagery in your poem are so inspiring! They are lovely light-filled gems and vibrant expressions of energy to be savored by the senses. While reading, I could close my eyes and “feel” the rustle of the fallen leaves under my feet; I could “smell” the cool crispness in the air on an autumn morning, and upon inhaling deeply, I could almost “taste” the refreshing coolness on my tongue; I could “hear” the sweet notes as autumn leaves swaying in the gentle breeze sing in chorus to the rhythm of time; I could “see” the golden rays and the vivid changing colors of an autumn day. These are all metaphors for the “memories of past, present, and tomorrows to come” that are stirred within us with the passing of the seasons. In the deeper meaning of your words, you have exquisitely captured the essence of the seasons of the soul!
The brilliant sunlit waterfall painting and the beautiful music video that Tom chose are truly inspired and perfectly compliment the poem. All together they create a soul-stirring and transcendent experience. Thank you so much, what an uplifting way to begin a new year!
Lesley, I want to add how wonderful it is that you compose with poets on the Inner Planes! Sometimes I have fleeting memories of seeing Kahlil Gibran (often at one particular bench writing), Emily Dickinson, Bronte sisters, Keats, Emerson, Wordsworth, Oscar Wilde, and others in the gardens of Muse. After Maya Angelou transitioned, I saw her in a mist smiling as she was passing under an archway of sparkling white flowers. These are merely glimpses really, brief memories upon awakening, but I’m working on remembering my Inner visits more often. I don’t yet have the attunement you have to “hear” them composing, that’s a very special sensitivity and I look forward to developing that awareness one day. Right now, I only see them in passing. What I do hear while on the Inner is music all around me.
Much Love and Light to you,
Greetings Madilyn,
Thank you so much, I’m glad that you enjoyed the poem and was able to extract meaning from it. Yes, my poem expressed both sides of life and how we analyze the connection with our relationship to each and then our expression of both.
You have good recall on your visits to these beautiful Planes, and hearing the music which those frequencies carry. I’m sure that if you listen very closely to the music, you will find that some of the music you hear is actually the voice(s)of other souls, their thought frequencies.
Madilyn, your mention of Kahlil Gibran brings much love to my heart. His essence is undeniable. He is a stature of beauty and he exudes a very sweet, a very floral scent.
Hearing the music is but the begining of a beautiful journey still in its blooming stage.
Love and Light Always,
Thank you for this beautiful presentation. Know that I can’t express the words to describe how this poem impacts me, but Autumn is my favorite season; it stirs many memories as your poem reminds us, and your poem reminds me of my father who left the earth plane 15 years ago. I hope that you will understand my appreciation for Autumn Morning, the feelings, the visions it evokes when I say, “I pour you some flowers.”
Greetings Naimah,
Thank you for the beautiful spiritual gift from you to me in the form of flowers! My love for flowers goes deep and I could not imagine a life of mine without them in it.
On the Inner as I traverse the garden paths and come upon a rose plant all I need do is to extend my hand toward a rose and that rose will turn its magnificent face into my hand and we mingle our energies.
Your love for poetry is apparent by the poems you have shared on this site, and I await to when I have the pleasure of your pen once again.
The mention of your father brought my father to my mind. My heart to you Naimah.
Love and Light,
More Love, more Light, Lesley