Instead of another question, I thought it might be interesting and beneficial to relate any personal challenges we have as a result of events from past lives affecting us still today, and needing to be worked out. Also, any input or responses are helpful and welcomed. It usually seemed at Unarius – El Cajon that those giving testimonials were the least objective about themselves.. probably just our Mirror Principle at work. So unless we are here on the planet as an observer or just slumming, there’s likely something to share:)
Personally, my biggest challenge is to recognize daily those thoughts and actions which are sponsored by a programming designed to make me a ‘Perfect Helper’ (meaning that it was mandatory that I appear perfect at all times and required to help, no matter where I was). This directive produces a downward spiral and devolution. Perfection is relative and impossible because for every positive there is a negative. Also, in this pursuit, by trying to incorporate the better talents of others into oneself, we set up an obsessional linkage. Ultimately losing our own mind in this patchwork of others. The mandatory helping is just as bad because it leads to negative biasing of any existing conditions, in order to help/improve them. You end up interfering in the life situations of others, setup for their own workouts. Clearly a Lose-Lose situation !
This dilemma was created out of a misunderstanding incurred way back in Orion. It has regenerated and become so intense, that of the many lifetimes I am aware, they play out like a broken record scenario whether military, political, religious, etc. The pattern is always trying to push my ‘finite’ ideas of help on others (for Ego gratification), offending those in power over these people, and being done away with.
Uriel had a reading given, and sent me a long letter to assist in overcoming this all encompassing obsession which colors my thoughts and deeds. It detailed how I idolized those who ‘fell’ and saved our planet through their understanding of Science. They were the original perfect helpers I was too ignorant to see the negative in. Much later, with this now over-riding directive, I served as an ambassador encouraging other planets to join the Empire, believing the Power Tower would help provide them unlimited energy benefits. When I discovered that the Tower’s frequencies were being used to control and enslave the populations, I turned on those in power/control (realizing my actions had been the opposite of help) and as a result was re-programmed or done away with.
This was the ‘root’ of my ongoing lifetimes and the experiences I deal with today. A condition of my own making…resulting also from my foolish programming of others in attempting to help build a Perfect Society. But now with the texts and the true ‘Infinite’ help given by the Normans…… I know what my personal challenge is……and it’s up to me to overcome!
My infinite thanks to the Brotherhood who make all of this possible for us. May They feel Their Love regenerated and sent back to Them, surrounding Them in Light and encircled with Joy!!!!!!!……..Ken.
Submitted by: Ken on 03/25/2015
Tagged with: Voice of Venus
Hi, Ken
When I awoke this morning, I knew that today I would respond to your post. I thank you for it, the reflections I’ve had; I’ve been contemplating my response since March 25th! The challenge that I want to share is not one from a particular past life, but I wanted to share it because it is so personal and important to me. I’d recently rededicated my efforts in this challenge, anticipating the help that I always receive from the Brothers.
My challenge is to “remember” my Infinite Nature, not just my form that has manifested in this dimension. I desire to “live in” a deeper awareness of that Life Stream that pours within and without me, that I’m an expression of the Infinite Intelligence who created me. I realize that healings, attunements to higher frequencies will allow me to achieve what I desire, as much as I can in this dimension.
I awoke this morning, before daybreak, to a view of my house. I was standing out front, looking at it’s physical structure, seeing its strength, understanding its purpose. At the same time, I was aware that there was more to the house than its solid appearance. It started to come apart, not collapse, and soon, the front was no longer there. I stepped inside, into a tunnel (it wasn’t solid) of dim light, feeling safe, guided. As I walked forward, pinpoints of light attached to my body and it became radiant. Suddenly, I could see people, events, circumstances in my life being filtered, changing. (In the new body in which the energy has been rectified, one can look out into the void, recognizing his duality, and recreate his life, attuning to other people like himself, involved in their progressive evolution. –RAINBOW BRIDGE TO THE INNER WORLDS). I continued to move forward as family members and hundreds of others whom I didn’t know cheered, sending me their love and support to help me on my journey. I walked on and soon came to a threshold into the next portion of the tunnel, larger, with blue light. Then I saw others lights and colors beyond where I was, aware that at some future time, I would be going there.
Also, Ken, I enjoyed your presence on the Inner.
More Love. More Light
Dear Na’imah,
Thank you for sharing your challenge. As I try to reply, I keep feeling this energy coming from your words. This idea you express of ‘remembering’ your Infinite nature, rather than just your physical form is so true. Also, your desire to “live in” that deeper awareness of the Infinite Life Stream is not only a beautiful concept, but a challenge which I now feel I need to incorporate myself. Thank you.
By the way, if I wasn’t there, I should have been! Consider me part of that crowd cheering you on… with love and support on your Light-filled JourneY!…..Ken.
Greetings Ken,
I must admit, I have literally at times taken a day or two and just slummed and observed myself slumming. Sometimes I’ve enjoyed it, and sometimes not so much, it depended on my mood. But, all kidding aside now, I do understand your words.
One of my biggest challenges is patience! Yes, patience. There are other challenges too, but this came to the forefront at this moment, so I’ll talk about that.
There are moments and incidents where being patient and waiting for something can either mean the difference between life or death depending on the circumstances or situation. And then there is being just plain ridiculous because you want something done right THEN and THERE and NOW when it won’t make one iota of a difference if there is a delay, but you want it anyway and your way! Boy oh boy, past life’s where you had been in a position of authority to command compounded with life’s of jumping at someone’s command can do a number on you. I generally catch myself when I start getting impatient, and sometimes not so quick in realizing. My husband, bless his soul, has all the patients in the world it seems, and he helps balance me out by being an example for me to follow. He’ll grin and shake his head, hug me and tell me to keep working on it and please be a little quicker at catching myself( he gets the brunt of my impatient self ),he knows that I’ll eventually see the light of it and keep making my cancellations.
I also find myself having to be alert to not interfere in someone else’s life situation to the point that they are not doing their own workouts. I have to be very careful there. Just as you had mentioned in your article.
Ken, my heart goes out to you. When reading your posting I travelled to that time and know the life you speak of. You were not alone, so much deception for a very, very, very long time was cast upon our fellow man, and the victims are many, yes even countless. There is NOT one of us that walked away unscathed either by our knowledge of knowing or unknowing. Even in our trying to do positive, we can and do incept negative when caught off guard. We are all working very hard to over come these past trespasses and we ARE succeeding with the help of never ending Love of the Brotherhood.
I’ll traverse the Spheres of Light with you anytime Ken. You are a shinning example that knows his path set before him and with that stedfast momentum you have set your signature among the stars.
My infinite thank you always to the Brotherhood of Light.
Love and Light,
Dear Lesley,
Thank you for posting your personal challenge and for the nice comments!…and you know any time you are ready to go slumming or traversing those Spheres of Light…I’m ready.;) It’s hard to imagine you as being impatient, but my heart certainly goes out to your husband (smile). My wife has taken the brunt of my programmed distortions all these years, as well. I’m lucky she has stayed with me. I guess living with a perfectionist who thinks they are always right is the pits! It was only when we received the letter from Uriel, which gave the detailed hypnotic program I’ve been under, did my actions finally make sense to her…so, I’m sort of forgiven.
You know, it’s really been a pleasure to be able to communicate with you and the others on this site. Other than my family, there just aren’t those around you can talk to…especially the kind of things we are discussing. My best to you always Lesley….your fellow traverser…..Ken.
p.s. When I tried to post the above last night, the site was down. This morning, just before waking, instantaneously I received a series of thoughts. It started with your words about ‘making cancellations’, followed by the idea that my method of doing so was incomplete. (Usually, if I take on a pain or condition of someone else, I run it through my mind where it is coming from, and that it is not mine, and the pain ceases instantly) The feeling being impressed on me was that I needed to recognize the true source of what I was receiving…being my previous actions from the past…which was regenerating.
Greetings Ken,
Yes, I too, find pleasure in being able to converse with you and others on this site. You clicked onto the word,”cancellation” from my worded response to you, and in return, I clicked onto your p.s. sentence with the last word,”regenerating”.
I get very excited when things like this happen! It is continued proof over and over again, the simple concept of giving and receiving! We have both been helped by our posting.
It is important for me to realize as quickly as possible my reactions to being impatient. If I don’t get this impatient stuff under control it will keep regenerating, that is!
I learned a long time ago, that no-matter how long or often I have and do study these Principles, I still catch myself at times saying, “Lesley, you let that one slip by at the speed of light girl”. Practice makes perfect. Oh…oh…,should I have used that word with you? (smile).
Sometimes I don’t get the whole picture of my past; only pieces at a time, but that is ok. If I got the whole shabang at once (if it were super tramatic) it might knock me out of the physical.
I do try to be aware every moment and be receptive so I can unlock that past event that caused the negation in the first place.
You and I have a spouse that has been preconditioned to stand by our side. They are strong in their commitment and love to us, and are being rewarded in many many ways that is necessary for their own journey too.
Love and Light Always,
Dear Lesley,
It happened again…only this time I was awake. Your line “I do try to be aware every moment and be receptive so I can unlock that past event that caused the negation in the first place.” is what got me to thinking. This is not what I do, and what I feel the Brothers were trying to convey to me. Normally, when I catch myself being negative (or I should say my wife catches me being so);) I tend to focus on balancing it.
For instance, I am aware of what needs to be done to reverse Sears slide to oblivion. So I decided to write them a letter detailing how to do it. My family immediately saw my ‘helping’ as negative interference and playing material helper again….which seems obvious in retrospect. However, the way I approached that negative act was not to be receptive to the past event as you do, but to start running through my mind or on paper, all the balancing infinite principles missing.
So, I guess only practice will make perfect….(that was a terrible joke)…but I liked it! I wish I had more patience for that kind of humor…..Love and Light and my Thanks…….Ken.
In bringing up this topic of past events which are still influencing us presently, another thought occurred to me. In this letter from Uriel about my own condition, She mentioned several times that when programmings were given, they would always be followed by… “YOU WON’T REMEMBER!”. Since I would think that most everyone was given some kind of programming from Orion…and since I have a certain guilt with this…I felt it might be a useful awareness.
The one bothersome idea that is always with me when I think about that period, is that everyone being born would be screened and tested to determine how their natural talents could be put to best use. The problem here is, that in each of the hundreds of lifetimes that individual lived, instead of developing an infinite variety of experiences, these testings would always limit that person, by placing them again and again in their specialized field. This explains the absent-minded professor, the idiot-savants and so many other variations or one-sided developments of individuals which have resulted from this. It was a huge mistake, which actually in the long run proved to be a process of retardation for our people.
‘Ego’ development is another resulting problem from this too. People today can’t see their own distorted condition which came about from these controls. They are still proud of their greater talent or skill, which was just an Ego enhanced pride to keep them…keeping on. It was a part of their programming. But to progress out of this limitation, rather than just regenerating it on and on, we need to analyze ourselves. What we take ‘pride’ in, or have ‘Ego’ with and fail to see objectively in our actions, could be one clue. The Brothers also will always be there to help us if we ask.
I also might say that if any of you were my victims in that insane attempt to ‘help’ build a Perfect Society, I sincerely apologize and hereby release you from any programmings you may have incurred. You no longer need to take pride in, nor continue your area of speciality! You are free to explore your own interests and not be laboring under the blank tapes, that imparted nothing, and wouldn’t allow that command over you to be remembered. You will remember now! Needless to say, the robotization, caused by programmings in Orion, was a horrendous thing for us all!
May the Highest Radiations of Healing Infinite Love and Light be sent your way!!!…….Ken
Greetings Ken,
WOW….what you said hit home with me! With the negative deeds that I take responsibilty for in my past, I could truly have stood beside you then, just as guilty. It can be very painful these realizations and should be….that lets us know that we have a functioning conscience. I also know that with each new lifetime since these dastardly deeds done by me, I have been trying very very hard to overcome my lower self and I know that I have been succeeding because I don’t do those things anymore.
When I communicate on this site with fellow students I know that we have ALL worked and are still working our(excuse this word)bottoms off to never ever repeat or inflict atrocities upon our fellow man now or into some future to come. Our time spent in the Healing Wards and the Classrooms on the Inner Worlds is showing its fruition by our actions, not only to ourselves but to others around us. I’ve learned to quit beating myself up so hard about my past transgressions and learn from them.
Ken, you are traveling the Spheres of Light, and I have no doubt that those Spheres of Light will carry you closer and closer to the peace we ALL seek.
Love and Light Always,
Dear Lesley,
What is it with you?! It seems each of your posts provide an insight, I need to be more aware of. Like your idea of, “I’ve learned to quit beating myself up so hard about my past transgressions and learn from them.” You know, I’m beginning to think you might be Psychic! ;)…..Love and Light back at you….Ken.
Greetings Ken,
You’ve probably heard these words before in some form or another, “That was me then, this is me now”. It is true in the perspective that you have made a choice to choose whether to carry on a lower frequency relationship within yourself or to integrate into that frequency a higher harmonic. So, if you have chosen instead not to change to the higher frequency, then it would read as, “So what be it then within me, so shall it be now”. When I made that realization a long time ago, it gave me a freedom that broke so many past bonds that I myself had been holding me back from moving forward. How in my evolution could I possibly move forward if I kept kicking myself in the pants for past transgressions from a life lived so long ago,recognized that behavior,and where I had since changed that frequency. And at the same time realized that I no-longer do that because I have learned not to repeat that behavior through the succeeding ages?!
Ruth Norman had on several occasions said, “What I said yesterday was yesterday, what I say today is today”. I incepted those words to mean that I can change my words, thoughts, behavior, myself each and every moment that I exist. I am changing Ken each day, each life, and it is my choice of what I want to change into. I choose The Light.
Thank you so very much for the insight you bring into my life, and a gentle reminder that I must be ever diligent in my everyday over comings.
Love and Light,
Dear Lesley,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about what has worked for you, in getting rid of guilt, and producing the freedom needed to make spiritual progress. You reminded me of one time Uriel had done something wrong, and said, “Shame on me….okay, now let’s move on!”. In my case, guilt comes automatically from this age-old programming. When you daily try to live up to unrealistic ‘PERFECT’ expectations, it always produces guilt feelings and self criticism. Frequencies which do not make for progress…(only in the wrong direction).
The answer is, I must completely give up the role of the Perfect Helper. The problem is, it’s like trying to give up your Ego….both are now intertwined together. It has only been this lifetime, that thanks to Uriel, I have been made aware of the problem and have started battling it. The road ahead will be long, but like you, and those on that Infinite Pathway, I choose the Light…and I will overcome!
You are a good friend, Lesley…I am thankful for your comments and observations. We, as students, are all very fortunate to have this format to share our experiences together!
Love…Light…and Thanks……Ken.