The following video is Dr. Norman voicing chapter one from the book ‘Infinite Perspectus’. He speaks of the necessity to continue our quest and use the ingredients required to obtain that ‘magic elixir of life’. Every time I listen or read the various teachings of the Moderator, I learn something new and exciting! After viewing this video, I would be very interested in your comments, analysis and/or what you might have learned yourself! This is a test presentation and many more will follow.
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As I started to listen I was inwardly reminded of the great personal sacrifice made by the Moderator to bring this science to a planet that had almost no interest in the wisdom he wished to share. I reflected on the progress I have made, catching most all negative thoughts, emotions, especially now that I am away from the high stress multitasking atmosphere of the business world…I am learning to look within…learning to live from inside out instead of outside in…learning about polarization as I catch negative thoughts and emotions and turn them around….the shortcut concept is very soothing to me…knowledge along with usage and positive application…the magic elixir…my fear of death is greatly reduced…at times looking forward to moving on…eliminating my naughty tendencies except when I am around Lesley. I am humbled by my lack of knowledge…so much more to learn.
Dear Brother – Tears of joy came to me when reading your comments! The awesome transcendence of the mundane employed by one who is indeed transforming himself through the teaching of Unarius, reinforces the principles of metamorphose one experiences when the desire of progressive evolution begins to be paramount! These realizations expressed become the springboard for those who come afterward!
Dear Cosmon,
Of all Dr. Norman’s works, Infinite Perspectus has been a personal favorite. It has almost had a permanent place on my nightstand. Yes, it is true that we can see and learn something new with each re-reading. The challenge, however, has been trying to ‘recognize’ and catch the many imbalanced thoughts which occur during the day, and to then re-think them by applying these newly learned higher principles. It is only by incorporating these more Infinite ideas into ourselves, bit by bit, that a progressive evolution is possible.
Before commenting on Chapter One, “Beginning a Constructive Evolution”, I would like to relate an experience which might interest any new student to Unarians United. When I first discovered Dr. Norman’s books in our local library, I had no idea how ‘connected up’ that action would produce. There were only a limited amount of his books donated by another student, and the one which explained my own karmic problem was missing. After about 6-8 months of devouring these available books, the one I needed suddenly appeared. Guess who donated it? Dr. Norman himself! So, whether we are aware of it or not, the Brotherhood is aware of us, and is there to assist us in all of our positive endeavors. Simply by tuning up and asking for guidance we can receive our answers.
Reading this chapter again was like enjoying a good meal. Dr. Norman gives us lots to chew on…and wisdom to digest. Starting with explaining that everything (including us) is energy, and by its regenerative properties, we have the means to progress ourselves. By holding a more Infinite consciousness, this can occur. All negative things which happen to us, need to be seen as coming from our own past lifetimes. These experiences need to be re-constructively and creatively viewed, for there is a ‘Positive’ to everything. He emphasizes that maintaining our equilibrium in all things is of utmost importance. This equilibrium is composed of the knowledge we acquire from studying Infinite principles, mixed with an equal amount of usage. This produces that ‘magic elixer’ of life which insures a progressive evolution into the Higher Worlds.
This was the concept which interested me most. So, thinking I might have a few emotions that I haven’t been aware of yet, I awoke during the night and asked inwardly to see a typical day’s worth. The Brothers obliged me by revealing ’20 minutes’ of imbalanced thoughts. By progressing through a typical day, starting with getting up, They hadn’t even reached the point of my morning shower yet!…so I thanked Them with the excuse that I still needed more rest, and guiltily (another imbalanced thought) turned over and went back to sleep.
I know…pretty lame…too much Ego…but thank goodness the Brothers are kind and have Infinite patience, especially for patients like me:)
Dear Brother – Excellent comments! Your continued study of the science is clearly evident and appreciated. Yes, all students now actively involved have a great opportunity to lead the way for future students who will read your words – principle at work.