Duality of Moderator
The following audio tape by Dr. Norman has a somewhat special meaning to me personally. As I have said at different places on this site, I made contact with the Unariun founder in 1960. I immediately knew that I had found what I had been searching for that spanned a long time – even beyond this lifetime. Being only 14 years old at the time made that statement somewhat odd, however, that is how I felt.
From the first physical meeting and subsequent return visits to his home, I persistently experienced psychic phenomena that would cross the border into the world of the unbelievable! From the start I would see him as a great and powerful radiating light – replacing the somewhat frail looking man in front of me. The body took on an inner ray like stream of intense light that emanated from every pore. He continually exhibited energies into the room that transcended one into a beautiful dimension of wonder that defied comprehension – yet it felt very normal and as it should be at the time! I always felt that I was in the presence of an advanced mind that did not fit into the mold of this world containing ordinary men.
Ironically, when I left his presence, I would wonder if what I experienced was real. I seemed to recognize him as an advanced mind, alien to all of us – projecting an intellect that towered into other-worldly awareness. Being an earth person, it would be almost normal to idolize and generate a temptation to worship this phenomenon. However, I always felt respect and admiration, but never did my feeling of idolization enter in – even to this day. He always exhibited an extreme humble demeanor, never wishing to become the center of attention. He always said that if idolized or worshiped, then his mission would be lost. I seemed to recognize his admonition which only increased my admiration. I always saw him as an Elder Brother – one who had learned a great wisdom and was availing himself as a typical example of a future evolution into this world which would help all and/or any who would recognize this transforming teaching. The bolts of lightening from his consciousness oscillates as the spiritual wisdom formulated by the Infinite resources of creation itself.
And so dear fellow student (both present and future), I fervently hope and desire that you too realize and experience this radiation of healing and higher understanding which is impinged (for all time) into the various liturgies and voiced transmissions brought to us by our Elder Brother which I personally felt and witnessed, and still do. For, these Higher Energies are just as potent and transformative today as in 1960 and each and everyone of us have the opportunity to fulfill our positive destiny – expressed in symbolic forms (words) – to be transcended into worlds that will bring about a new reality of intelligence that discards the old frailties and conflicts of a formative soul.
Tom Miller

Ernest and Ruth Norman when I met them
Audio Only
Tagged with: Voice of Venus
My newly created response to those of religion who earn a response from me.
This is God speaking. It’s like this: I created man and woman with original sin. Then I destroyed most of them for sinning. Then I impregnated another man’s wife with myself as her child, so that I could be born. Later, I would kill myself as a sacrifice to myself to save all of you from the sin I gave you in the first place.
Gary Kainz
Very clever, Gary…I like it!….Ken
Dear Cosmon,
That was beautifully expressed. To have such an awesome experience with Dr. Norman at so young an age was wonderful…and totally beneficial for you. It’s also good you could avoid idolizing Him. During His lifetime as Akhnaten, I’m afraid I succumbed to that worshipful misunderstanding.
In the audio, Dr. Norman spoke about His reliving as Akhnaten and having the prussic acid forced on Him. This led to His hospitalization, and an exodus of several of His students who couldn’t understand why He couldn’t heal Himself, if He really had healing powers. Of course, Dr. Norman’s explanation made total sense, but it got me to thinking about what was going on with these students who fell by the wayside.
It seems to me that when you understand this Infinite Science to any degree, you can’t give it up, unless you really don’t understand it. Was this their problem? Or were they the type of individuals who are magnetically drawn to a cycle because of their karma, and when that cycle (like Akhnaten’s poisoning) is over, so are they? Or is it that if a doubt appears, they can be taken over by obsessions to the point of exiting the Science? Usually it’s Ego Deflations which make many students abandon the study, but that doesn’t seem to fit here. Do you have any thoughts on this?…..Inquiring minds need to know;)…..L&L…..Ken
Ken, your comment and questions are very profound and goes to the heart of the principles of evolution! What these ignorant people did not understand is that as a soul advances into the Higher reaches of Infinite Intelligence, the regenerative energy oscillated as harmonics contacted are transformed outward and expressed as a positive bias into the lower domains – never inward into self. This is what my comments were attempting to convey.
The Moderator’s whole life was lived as an e-radiating source conveyed as an expansion of Infinite Intelligence into this dimension. We, as earth people are being exposed to an energy basically foreign to us. We have come to a point in our evolution in which we have made an inner contact with the Unariun Brotherhood to begin a transformative period. The emissary and contact is represented in the teachings of Unarius, embodied by Dr. Norman. He did not come to this earth to heal himself, but those who could recognize the inner pact that many made in the life in between the earth life.
The foregoing is not meant for you Ken as I know that you and other dedicated ones are very aware of this concept. However, it is a preamble to help others understand the true duality of any advanced soul who incarnates into this selfish oriented dimension. This highly intelligent person, who is in contact with vast infinite expressions is not (in the most part) compatible with this plane. Healing and wisdom of others is His mission, not to heal himself – this is mandated by his Higher Self, which, unlike us, is the controlling force in his life.
Your reasons for the reneging people of that time is all true according to the person involved. Many of those people were curiosity seekers – like many who I encountered when my mother drug me around to the many places where people chased the illusion of the flying saucer craze in 1958 and 1959. There were also many people who came to the Moderator for a physical healing only and yet did not want to change themselves for the better. In this way these people used the excuse of Dr Norman’s experience to cowardly bug out. And of course, there were those who lived many lives working for the Dark Ones who follow the Higher Ones around from life to life and purposely attempt to destroy any positive understanding which might threaten their power over their mental slaves as in the case of Akhnaten, Anaxagoras or Jesus. To prove this point: do we remember when the Roman soldier mockingly said “If you are God, then why don’t you come down off the cross and heal yourself?”
And so, those of us who somewhat understand the necessary Duality expressed by the Advanced Beings who come to infuse enlightenment into these lower worlds for the purpose of showing the way to the Higher and more Infinite domains, must always be true to our dedication and unswerving devotion to our flight into the stars.
Thomas Miller thanks for sharing your insights on Ernest Norman. I too knew Unarius was all I had been looking for from the constant love I felt while studying the texts. I too had a wonderful experience with Ernest all though it was in the dream-state. I had just bought his book Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation at a used bookstore. I flipped through the book and found it to be interesting. I took it home and didn’t read any of it that day. Well that night I saw an older white man in my dreams sitting at a picnic table in the park. He was sharing with me all the secrets of Life. He had gray or white hair and when I woke up I was amazed by that dream for the next few days. I wondered what it meant and who that man was. It wasn’t til I opened the book a few days later and saw his picture that I knew who I saw in my dream. I recall Ernest saying something like u may find things that add to your understandings of the science but u will never find anything better that what he was a channel for teaching and I agree. I have found very advanced teachings but none as thorough and in-depth as Unarius.
And I also want to take this time to thank you Tom for The Keys to the Universe and Mind book. That is one of the most amazing books I have read and I too desire to be a channel for such great and life changing information.
Dear Brother – Your comment is so appreciated. The experience you relate proves that you have been preconditioned on the Inner Worlds of Spirit! And that you have made contact with this vast White Brotherhood (Now called the Unarius Brotherhood) of literally millions of more advanced souls who constantly project healing and protective energies to us as we endeavor to progress and shed the old practices and habits for a new reality of peace and wisdom – actually becoming one of these minds through the natural learning process of the Infinite’s grand evolutionary plan.
Your preconditioning is evident and all of we students welcome you wholeheartedly. As you study the teachings of Dr. Norman, which you have been learning for thousands of years, I hope you will feel at home with all of the dedicated ones who participate on this site and any receptive soul that you will meet in your future! Our Love goes out to you!