For all my past troubles, and those to come, gentle words graced my mind this morning, words that reached and touched my soul where I was most vulnerable. As I reviewed Legacy Episode III for eventful publishing, I came to realize not only how inseparable my stages of consciousness are but the meaning of compassion…
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Welcome to The Voice of Hermes Best viewed in Full Screen
Hermes is the Center for Philosophy, so here is a philosophical question I’ve been going around with ever since I first asked “What’s life all about?” Is it possible, that in reality, everything is … Nothing!? Let me explain (if I can) 😉 As a kid, I couldn’t figure out how things could exist….
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The motto of Unarius is ‘Love in Action’. My difficulty with this, is how to do it…infinitely. In the past, I have always tried to put positive spins on situations. For instance, if someone is angry or frustrated about something, I usually laugh and try to show the humorous side of the…
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Just contemplating a few thoughts in my garden as I look up at my tree and its many branches. I imagine a tree with an infinite number of branches and branches growing from those branches and on and on. These branches represent everything in the cosmos. It is a fractal and a vortexal form all…
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Giants of Philosophy– Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) – One of the many great thinkers incarnated into the Renaissance and brought a reasoned approach to the meaning and method of progressive thought! The first video describes Spinoza’s life in summary. Spinoza – The Apostle of Reason This video uses a play to exhibit Spinoza’s numerous letters and…
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The following is an entry from my blog about the growing connectivity of information through the internet, and its ability to change the perspective of the exchange of consciousness. My blog isn’t written in Unarian vernacular, as it’s meant for common consumption, but of course the ideas expressed…
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Here is a clip from the podcast of one of my favorite comedians. He’s relating an epiphany that came through to him while interacting with dolphins, and it really sunk in for him. It’s a philosophy we could all do well to remember in our daily interpolations. Submitted by: Forrest on 03/26/2014 Add your Thoughts,…
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Ernest L Norman lived the life of Anaxagoras as realized in a reading when reliving the life of Akhenaten. His teachings helped advance the knowledge of the universe given the age in which he lived. Below is a description of how history sees him and also Ruth Norman’s testimonial about him. Anaxagoras (c. 510 –…
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The ‘Parable of the Cave’ is presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work The Republic (514a-520a) to compare “..the effect of education and the lack of it on our nature.” It is written as a dialogue between Plato’s brother Glaucon and his mentor Socrates, narrated by the latter. The Allegory of the Cave…
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The following presentation is number 4 in a series of videos about the Mind-Body relationship and has many great concepts that help explain Dr. Norman’s teachings. We must consider as we watch it that they use different words and expressions – mostly born from Eastern terminology and some concepts are a little off base, however,…
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The following presentation is number 2 in a series of videos about the Mind-Body relationship and has many great concepts that help explain Dr. Norman’s teachings. We must consider as we watch it that they use different words and expressions – mostly born from Eastern terminology and some concepts are a little off base, however,…
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Philosophy – Voice of Hermes Hermes being the planet of Philosophy, represents part of the culminative efforts of many thousands of advanced souls, living in the Higher Spiritual Planes of life. We can therefore be pardoned for any feelings of pride in accomplishment, for indeed these works do and will represent to so many thousands…
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