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A list of lessons learned by students of Dr. Ernest L. Norman’s works is provided below.

These describe student understanding and application of Dr. Norman’s critical factors in every soul’s progressive spiritual evolutionary development.

Become a Unarius student and be freed from mundane inhibiting concepts and bonds that blinds us from true infinite intelligence. Emerge from this reactive world to become a light bearer, be of service to each other and the infinite creative fountainhead, respect creation and universal law, and most of all – experience love eternal.

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We present to you The Voice of Hermes which, as one of the seven books of “The Pulse of Creation” series, represents part of the culminative efforts of many thousands of advanced souls living in the higher spiritual planes of life. These works do and will represent to so many thousands of persons in the present and future time to come, a new say of life, an inward realization of hopes, aspirations, and visions, which, in its fulfillment will free them from the dogmatic systems, material strifes, and various derelictions of the earthly world.

This book, The Voice of Hermes, by Ernest L. Norman, is the third work in the series, The Pulse of Creation. The student will find this book to be uplifting and most rewarding in the fields of philosophy and introspection, a means to conceive and interpret one’s view into interdimentional concepts of life.

In the near future, you will be able to click here and read book.

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