Click to watch video It was June 24th, 2015, that the first radio interview took place. I did not expect Ric Bratton’s introductory email, and was surprised when he found the Legacy website and invited me to be on his program. Now, thirteen shows later, I can reflect back on each experience and how much…

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Roberto’s Seventh Radio Interview

Roberto’s 6th Radio Interview

Roberto’s 5th Interview



  What is God – A Message From Dr. Norman The following message by the Moderator (around 1966) is a letter written to a 12 year old named Jennifer. She said that she was being sent to a new school which was Catholic in it’s teaching. She is asking Dr. Norman how she should proceed…

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Welcome to The Voice of Orion Best viewed in Full Screen

Energy manifestation. “The universe is precisely what we want you to see,” said an awakening voice unexpectedly out loud in my mind. No sooner, I saw a black backdrop where splashes of different colored dots appeared, some running over the other, but leaving a lot of empty space in between, soon to be filled-in by…

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Roberto’s Second Radio Interview

Foreword:While I was waiting for the phone call from the radio station, I was reading from Manu in Voice of Hermes and it knocked me out completely. Phone rings and it was the radio host, they were ready. I was calm and felt rather confident, unlike prior to the step out. The interview was very…

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Foreword: Below is a dedicated student’s thoughts while witnessing a serious reliving entered into by another student. We are presenting this discussion because each of us can come within reach of our lower self and be waylaid from our progressive pathway. Greetings, Looking out of my kitchen window this morning with a cup of coffee…

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ELECTROMAGNETISM Electromagnetism, or the electromagnetic force is one of the four fundamental interactions in nature, the other three being the strong interaction, the weak interaction, and gravitation. This force is described by electromagnetic fields, and has innumerable physical instances including the interaction of electrically charged particles and the interaction of uncharged magnetic force fields with…

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Amplitude & frequency waveform diagram examples: The following short video tutorials are presented to help the student visualize and understand what Dr. Norman is speaking of when he describes the similarities between the 3rd dimensional representations that explain the waveform, frequency, harmonic and cyclic motions of energy and the interdimensional  structure of vortexual movements. These…

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Hi Ya Tom, I was listening to someone talk about a certain branch of conspiracy theorists who firmly believe in the idea of lizard-people, that there are a large amount of people in controlling organizations such as government and corporations that are literally reptilians who can change back and forth from a human-like appearance to…

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Psychology of Consciousness Please watch video below and then listen to the Moderator’s dissertation on consciousness which pertains to the Higher Spiritual values in attaining a more expanded approach to your life. Please comment below on your analysis of these concepts from both set of ideas. Hopefully, many students will continue the discussion! Continue your…

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Are You an Ant or a Grasshopper? Written By Ernest L Norman in the 1960s Man has through the ages been duped by innumerable religious systems including Christianity which have all promised to those who believe, that some gods or master will someday pick them up in a basket, so to speak, and transport them…

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Suggestions for Group Meetings Written By the Moderator in the 1960’s   It is now clearly indicated that Unarius is entering into another and very important phase of its personal development plan which is the forming of regular group meetings by various students in associated townships. A number of these groups have already formed and…

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The following video is Dr. Norman voicing chapter one from the book ‘Infinite Perspectus’. He speaks of the necessity to continue our quest and use the ingredients required to obtain that ‘magic elixir of life’. Every time I listen or read the various teachings of the Moderator, I learn something new and exciting! After viewing…

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The following presentation is number 1 in a series of videos about the Mind-Body relationship and has many great concepts that help explain Dr. Norman’s teachings. We must consider as we watch it that they use different words and expressions – mostly born from Eastern terminology and some concepts are a little off base, however,…

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